Joel’s little girl friend Alex spent the night, and the natives were getting restless in the afternoon. I don’t leave the house anymore unless I know I am in a very patient mood, and I was doing okay today.
Sooo … I threw them all 5 in the van.
First stop was Micro Center for a converter box because I refuse to get cable or a new TV. Got the box, then there was a long line at checkout, and Alex loudly states, “Someone farted!!!!!” (wasn’t me this time, thankfully). Finally we get to a checker, and he tells me we have to buy the box over at Exchanges.
So I drag everyone over THERE, throw the box down on the counter, throw my $40 off coupon down, then throw my keys down. The guy takes my coupon and DISAPPEARS for like 5 minutes. He comes back with some papers and a woman and starts to ring me up. I ask them what the hell? I saw their lips moving but all I heard was “government contract, ring you up as a business, blah blah blah.” What they REALLLY meant was that the government has to keep track of everyone with this digital TV smokescreen business. I’m no fool. I know there’s a camera inside that converter box watching my every move. Ha!
Next stop: Michael’s Arts and Crafts. Joel got some river pebbles (more stuff!!!) with his allowance. I got the others some crafty stuff to keep them busy, and Eva just HAD TO HAVE this little pink tin with an “E” on it (she's only 8 months old!). Yes, I realize that I contribute to the “stuff” delinquency of minors.
Sooo … I threw them all 5 in the van.
First stop was Micro Center for a converter box because I refuse to get cable or a new TV. Got the box, then there was a long line at checkout, and Alex loudly states, “Someone farted!!!!!” (wasn’t me this time, thankfully). Finally we get to a checker, and he tells me we have to buy the box over at Exchanges.
So I drag everyone over THERE, throw the box down on the counter, throw my $40 off coupon down, then throw my keys down. The guy takes my coupon and DISAPPEARS for like 5 minutes. He comes back with some papers and a woman and starts to ring me up. I ask them what the hell? I saw their lips moving but all I heard was “government contract, ring you up as a business, blah blah blah.” What they REALLLY meant was that the government has to keep track of everyone with this digital TV smokescreen business. I’m no fool. I know there’s a camera inside that converter box watching my every move. Ha!
Next stop: Michael’s Arts and Crafts. Joel got some river pebbles (more stuff!!!) with his allowance. I got the others some crafty stuff to keep them busy, and Eva just HAD TO HAVE this little pink tin with an “E” on it (she's only 8 months old!). Yes, I realize that I contribute to the “stuff” delinquency of minors.

By this time Eva was whipped, so I nursed her to sleep in the van and the kids occupied themselves like little angels … yeah, right!
I had an ulterior motive for taking on the next errand to Whole Foods: Bach’s Rescue Remedy, a natural stress reliever in gummy-like form. I ripped it open right after the checker scanned it because shopping with 5 kids and 3 carts is truly an adventure. More on Whole Foods later, so don’t make fun of me just yet.
To cap off the night we went to the pool. After some chilly swimming and “Closin’ Time,” we hit the park. Aron called while we were there to say he was at the airport in Phoenix … yippee! Help is on the way!