Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm a Bad Wife

I Wouldn’t Wanna Be Like You

Anyone remember that song? It rocks. And applies to Aron. Meaning: who would want to be poor Aron? Let’s investigate:

His wife is a lazy vacuumer. When she vacuums, loud clanking and crunching noises ensue. She sucks things up into the vacuum that should not be vacuumed.

Recently his wife accidentally let a dishrag fall into the kitchen sink drain and ultimately broke the garbage disposal. He called his dad for some assistance and I think he was told, “You don’t need a new garbage disposal; you need a new wife!”

He comes home from work to a house full of his own kids plus all the neighborhood kids.

He never comes home to a dinner of coq au vin or duck a l’orange.

He never comes home to a wife stripping wallpaper in the bedroom like she’s supposed to be doing. She likes to say, “I’m an artist (yeah, right … she’s merely a wannabe writer), so I don’t see the things that need to be done around the house.”

And he tolerates all of this with such grace that it brings tears to my eyes.



  1. Aron and Travis could cry together in their beers about their wives' vacuuming practices.

    "If it fits, put it in there!"

  2. Aron truly is a good man.


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