Ran out ALONE (I always capitalize that because it’s a rarity, but I seem to do it more since I’ve had my 4th kid than any other time). I had to get Cousin Lindsay’s Border’s gift card since we’re celebrating Christmas over the weekend with my mom’s family. I waited until the last minute to make sure she had been nice instead of naughty.
Then I ran to Whole Foods for Hyland’s Teething Tablets, Veggie Straws and some Cream-on-Top yogurt.
Then my old friend Paul, who was in town from San Jose to visit his family, came for a short visit. I’ve known him since I was 16, and we dated off and on through the years. Lately we’ve become good friends via e-mail, so he came to meet my family. Aron is so sweet he even offered to take a picture of us:

Then Aron took the kids and their Tonka Bounce Back Racers to the park while Eva napped on me.
After it got dark, we put hot chocolate in a Thermos and drove around looking at Christmas lights FINALLY. The new thing is something Aron’s jealous of: a light show hooked up to a computer and broadcast to music over a radio station. If you haven’t check out 103rd and Metcalf at Christmastime, you have to in 2009. Park at the church on the west side of the street and rock out!
Yeah, I think Callie is thinking "THAT MAN is NOT my dad!"