Monday, February 23, 2009

"Flipping the Weight Loss Switch" Monday Part 3 (Food Dictators)

How do you NOT turn into a Food Dictator? You know, those people who are always on a diet and so they judge EVERYTHING that goes into YOUR mouth.

I like to mess with people when they’re having something naughty (cake, ice cream, fettucine alfredo) in front of me. I stare at them as I pig in my salad and finally say something like, “Um, excuse me, but I’m a recovering food addict in the Weight Watchers program. If I were a recovering alcoholic would you DRINK in front of me? How rude! If I fall off the food wagon, it’s all your fault.”

I like to burn incense to mask the smell of fried beef and onions when I make chili or other stinky meals. These days I also burn it to mask the smell of cake (Callie’s birthday) and other tempting things I have to cook for whatever reason. By the way, I used homemade applesauce instead of oil in all 3 cake mixes for Callie’s party. I guess I was DICTATING to the party guests that they didn’t need the extra oil in their diet.

So as far as NOT being a Food Dictator, well, just DON’T DO IT. Don’t be a jerk. Bring along your own salad dressing to people’s houses and when you go out to eat, but don’t make a big deal about it. Don’t tell people how much fat is in what they’re eating.

The sugar in my house has been cut way back (no more Candy Bowl for the kids on top of the fridge), but I still get it for them sometimes and just stay away from it or tell them to hide it from me. I still serve my family good meals … but if they have country fried steak, I’ll usually just have a bite or two and a huge grilled chicken salad. My husband and kids don’t have the food problem: I do.

I think the goal is to not be Extremist with yourself. I had some Hershey’s Kisses the other day and did NOT pig in the entire bag. For me, that’s progress.

Come back next Monday when we’ll talk about Weight Watchers.


  1. Good Morning!

    Please stop by my blog and pick up an award from me to you!

    Roberta Anne at Little House In The Desert

  2. Did you know that WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT the foods you put into your body has just as much of an effect on you as the foods themselves? It's an example of the Law of Attraction.

  3. I'm so glad to hear you're eating chocolate again. I was getting worried about you.

    I don't know how you don't eat gravy. chocolate, I might be able to do without, but chicken fried steak with gravy??? omg.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You didn't pig out on hershey kisses?? you have more will power than me! Send some this way. I have had to tell my daughter that there is to be no more baking for awhile, mommy is too weak not to eat it all! LOL


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