Sunday, February 8, 2009

Goin’ for a Basketball Team

So I’ve joined Weight Watchers and am losing weight AND my first post in my blog series “Weight Loss Mondays” is showing up tomorrow. And my house is relatively picked up most of the time. And my brain is working. And I’m writing. And I’m spending more time playing with and chasing around the kids. And Eva is walking. And homeschooling is going great, including field trips.

And … I’m having me a baby in October. Around October 9, to be exact.

And we’re all jumping-up-and-down excited. We’re tired, busy, and HAPPY.

Bring on the pukes, the exhaustion, the 25-pound weight gain. I can handle it. I’m still weighing in on Thursday night and no, I’m not PREGOREXIC. I’m just trying to keep eating well and don’t want to use pregnancy as an excuse to grab 10 bags of ½ price Dove chocolate hearts on February 15th. Don’t worry … Thursday is my last weigh-in. I think they boot you out of WW for being pregnant. Who can blame them?

What drives me nuts is people who look at me like I’ve grown another head when I say we’re having our 5th child. I would never call someone lazy or selfish for only having 1 or 2 kids, so why is it acceptable to judge ME?

We’re not on government assistance, don’t beat our kids, don’t drink/smoke/do drugs. We love our kids with all our being. We plan them and want them. We’re not asking anyone else to raise our kids. We spend time with them. We know where they are at all times. They eat well. They sleep well. They're healthy. They have everything they need. I realize this roller coaster ride isn’t for everyone, but I think we’re doing an okay job so far. Oh, and forget about the “carbon footprint” argument because I breastfeed, cloth diaper and recycle.

I borrowed this from someone and can’t remember who (the pregnancy idiocy has already set in), but why is that we apply for a CURSE (like credit card debt) and REJECT a blessing (via abortion, “selective reduction”, etc.)????

For those of you struggling with getting pregnant, I am sending you all my good fertility vibes. I wish the best for you. Children are truly a blessing. A grubby, crazy, loud, challenging, fun blessing.


  1. Congrats!!! I promise not to look at you like you have grown another head. One kid is kicking my ass, so you have nothing but my admiration and amazement that you handle your punkins with such grace!!!

  2. That is so exciting. I am still holding out that one of your kids will be named after your favorite cousin-in-law Karen :)

  3. Congrats! I say live and let live - as long as it's done with responsibility, which you all seem to have in spades. :-)

  4. Congratulations! Maybe in a couple of years, you'll shoot for a hockey team (my newest, favorite sport...GO SHARKS!).

  5. My sweet DIL would so love to be pregnant and we wait on God. Every baby is a gift from our LORD. Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of love and joy.
    Roberta Anne

  6. Congratulations! So does this mean I can sneak in a little chocolate to go with our coffee in a few weeks? :) I would love to have had more but God saw otherwise. As for those who judge your decision, God made this decision to bless you again, so they can kiss off.

  7. Congrats on your 5th and if you wish, your 6th and 7th and oh my!

  8. Congratulations, Kerrie! That is such wonderful news! I think big families are so full of love and fun and happiness. I'm really happy for you!

  9. Congrats....people who complian about "carbon footprints" when children are born should be shot!!! Just Kidding....They kicked me out of WW when I got prego with Marissa. I lost 35 in 4 months and then got prego. Go figure!!!!


  11. A friend in Austin once told us, "Big families are in!" And, incidentally, they're good for the economy.

  12. Kerri - Congratulations! You'll have to let me come over and babysit sometime. - Brenda

  13. Congratulations and kudos! Alex said something about it a couple weeks ago, but she didn't have any details so I kind of just wrote it off as wishful thinking on her part! She so loves having those little "sisters"!

  14. congrats to you! That's awesome. Might as well forget the weight watchers and go for it. At least until after baby is born.

  15. Kerrie et. al,

    It is wonderful parents like you who should have a basketful of kids, because you know how to raise them well. They will never be a drain on society, only great people and wonderful citizens who will contribute to this sad world. Congratualtions,

    Auntie Candy

  16. October 9th is my birthday!

  17. We will be having our 5th BOY in March! Ahhh! LOL. When people found out I was pregnant AGAIN...they made me feel like I was an exhibit in a zoo. It isn't so easy to get past...but I pretty much just ignore any negative comments. It is kind of fun though, when I have my children (5,4,3,and 2) in the store with me...and now that I am very noticeably pregnant I get stares from many women...or have people just shake their head at me. I laugh it off...haha. Good luck with number 5!!


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