Friday, February 6, 2009

Ride the Ducks in Branson!

If you ever get the chance to Ride the Ducks, DO IT! We did this last year in Branson, Missouri and the kids DUG IT! Plus everyone gets a duck call, which makes for tons of fun (and parental headaches) in the car and at home later.

We’re going again this summer. We used to go out drinking and dancing at clubs for fun. Now we Ride the Ducks. Aron and I are such geezers that we prefer the Ducks these days!

I’m always looking for good vacation spots: What’s your best vacation spot/activity?

4/17/12 We still have this annoying and fun little duck whistle!


  1. I have to admit I had to Google...Ride the Ducks. What fun that must have been. I live far away from fun stuff like that but I could show you a lake or two with ducks!
    Roberta Anne

  2. Our lakehouse is about an hour from Branson. We will have to try that. I have also heard that the Dixie Stampede is a lot of fun but kind of expensive.


Talk to me!