Friday, March 27, 2009

Make Good Choices

I risk offending a few people here, but it drives me nuts when parents tell kids to “make good choices.” Yeah, like YOU are making such great ones yourself. Let’s explore:

“Daddy didn’t make a good choice when he got drunk at his work party and then drove home, resulting in a big, fat DUI. He needs to make better choices.”

“Mommy knows we are broke and can’t pay our bills, but Mommy REALLY wants that pair of heels at Macy’s, so Mommy’s going to buy them with a credit card. It’s not a good choice, but Mommy’s a grownup and can do what she wants.”

“Mommy only gets to eat air for dinner tonight because she made a bad food choice and had 3 pounds of M&Ms earlier today.”

So what’s my alternative? My solution? Just tell the kid to “CUT IT OUT” if they’re doing something bad. And when you send them to someone’s house to play without you, just tell them, “BE GOOD” and then do that thing where you make the peace sign and point from your eyes to theirs to signify that you are watching them all the time. I get so sick of all the psychobabble when parenting can be so simple.

And, yes, I AM an expert at screwing up at the job of parenting, so you probably shouldn’t listen to me.


  1. LOL!! How true, and not that I'm perfect(far from it), but there are a lot of parents who could probably take lessons from their kids!!!

    Take care!! ;0)

  2. Kerrie:

    I think you are a great mom!

    Have A Fabulous Friday
    from Roberta Ann--the Raggedy Girl

  3. Ohhh....the "be good, I am watching you" thing.

    Michelle Duggar says that they teach their kids to obey the parents like they expect them to obey God.

    Can you imagine the immediate obedience (or blatant WHATevs) we could get from our husbands and children if we could get them to swallow that theory on obedience?

  4. Sorry, but I say that all of the time, because I think saying cut it out does not offer an alternative. When people stop doing something they generally need to do something else to achieve that goal. There is no teaching in saying stop it. there is a ton of teaching in asking what should you be doing instead!

  5. fix that friggin ehow shit or I am boycotting this blog

  6. I'm a psychobabbler and proud of it!

  7. I'm a psychobabbler and proud of it!

    I did not mean to be anonymous before and don't know how to delete my last message.


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