Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Love Story in the Paper!!!

Having major internet connection issues today, but have managed to get on for a second to share this with you ... it's the link to our Love Story in the Kansas City Star today! Enjoy, and I'll have the blog back up and running in no time!

they keep changing the link, so if this doesn't work, go to, then FYI/Living, then Star Magazine!

By the way, I can't stand the photo of me in the paper, plus my dad says I should change my blog profile photo. I'll post some super-hot preggie pix (oxymoron?) once my camera comes back to me in the mail.


  1. Ack! Could you pretty please check the link again and make sure it works for you? It isn't working for me right now. I will try again tomorrow. :]

  2. Couldn't get the link but have a great day.

    The Raggedy Girl

  3. This is too sweet!! And I thought you were blonde! I didn't recognize you.

    I think you'd make a little time to marry Aron again LOL!


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