Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tax Deduction

Dang it, dang it, dang it. Sorry this is sideways but I have no photo software where I am to flip it. So get your daily workout cocking your head.

This is Eva. This onesie is sick. It is wrong. It is sold at Target.


  1. Yeah, but then the latest fashion is to run around with skulls all over your clothing. I'm old! I don't get this stuff any more. :]

  2. Eva is adorable!!! Your take on the onesie just cracks me up. BTW you can download GIMP for free if you are in need of photo editing software. It's how I flip all my photos.

  3. What a cutie. And my first thought at the birth of a grandbaby on January 2nd was. . .well no deduction!

    Have A Terrific Tuesday
    from The Raggedy Girl

  4. It's wrong, but sadly true. I just hope children never see themselves wearing that! I'd hate to think that's all my parents thought of me, LOL!

  5. cute! email it to me and I will flip it for you!

  6. Best tax deductions I get every year are my 2 kids! But the rewards I get for being their mom are priceless.


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