Thursday, September 17, 2009

DepoProvera Shot in Exchange for a Welfare Check

Originally posted 9/17/09. Reposted to rile you up and see what you think!

I’m not about sterilizing women who’ve had a kid and can’t support themselves for whatever reason.

I have another idea.

How about when any female goes in to pick up her welfare check, food stamps or whatever, she gets the 3-month DepoProvera birth control shot? The Social Worker could be all jovial and go, "Trade ya a Depo shot for your welfare check, Sweetie!" It’s not permanent sterilization; it’s just 3 months of not getting pregnant and bringing a life into the world that she can’t take care of.

I think Natural Family Planning is great for a lot of women … women who can keep track of crap on a chart. I don’t personally ever again want any birth control chemical in MY body. But I can see its benefits to society,so I'm not anti. And no, genius, I don't just use NFP because "the Pope says so" ... I'm sure you know me enough by now to know I have a mind of my own.

Now, what to do about the MEN who go around making babies all over the place and can’t support them? How’s that research coming on the male chemical birth control?


  1. Disagree! Better just to get rid of welfare altogether than to have incentives like that. I mean, "trade ya an hour alone molesting your kid for $10" goes over really well in poor countries, but I think isn't moral or just.

    My opinion? Well, my husband's wage doesn't increase just because he has another kid. Why should we think that welfare recipient parents should have it any different? Just a thought.

  2. That brown stuff on your house shoe, my friend? Don't sniff it to make sure it's not chocolate or coffee.

    Putting on my helmet and coming back to read responses later today. Heehee...she ain't scared, y'all.

    Good idea in theory but...only a few narrowly constructed theories, unfortunately. Offer but not require, yes.

  3. That brown stuff on your house shoe, my friend? Don't sniff it to make sure it's not chocolate or coffee.

    Putting on my helmet and coming back to read responses later today. Heehee...she ain't scared, y'all.

    Good idea in theory but...only a few narrowly constructed theories, unfortunately. Offer but not require, yes.

  4. I'm not a fan of injecting stuff into a person's body that they may not want even if they are getting my money.

    I do think we should test their bodies to make sure that when they get that check they haven't willingly taken any illegal drugs! It might not keep them from having babies but it would stop them from using our tax dollars to get high and not take good care of them.

  5. I understand what you are saying. I live in a newer home that is in an older neighborhood. I get asked for money left and right. I'm talking about some really healthy looking guys that could easily get a job AND they are already on welfare. Yet they are begging me for money. I told one of them that McDonalds was hiring but he just yelled at me. I wasn't trying to be rude but sheesh. I see you walking all over the place, good on their feet, yet even wefare is not enough?? I also think rapist should be castrated.

    By the way, I don't believe in the pill either because of what I'm putting in my body. ALSO because I found out it's just another form of abortion. I looked up the medical stuff on it AND I asked my doctor if it was true. She said yes. MOST think it just prevents you from ovulating. So I haven't taken the pill in over 7 years. Hence, I'm baking kid number 6. :) There are other ways anyway to have sex without getting pregnant.

  6. Don't get me started on "sperm donors". WE have a method for dealing with "Serial Pro-Creators", it's called castration.

    I know the church doesn not condone birth control, but it also can't afford to fund or care for all the kids that are "unwanted" (that term hurts me as NO child should ever have to feel that way). As usually, you and I are in lockstep as the "Reformist Catholics".

    I love my faith, my priest, my church, but not some of it's views and definitely not "sperm donors" who shirk their duty. Someone once said to me, anyone can be a father, but it takes love and work to be a dad. I now know what they meant. I figured it out the first time my little guy called me "daddy".


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