Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ice Cream Question

How come we had to pay for ice cream at the Ice Cream Social at the public school when our kids don’t even go there and they get approximately $1,000 of our money every year (for the last 10 years), but at the Catholic school they gave away sundaes for free?

No, we didn’t go to the free one. We aren’t TOTAL mooches.

Don’t you love blog posts like this one? Posts that really get to the heart of the matter and really make you ponder the state of the world. Yeah, right.


  1. Because the public school has to pay to bus all of the special education Catholic school kids to the public school for one or two hours a day because the Catholic school does not feel a need to offer special education to the students that need it leaving that task to the public school!

    (Was that a run-on sentence or what?)

  2. I agree with Chris and add that the church would get a huge amount of bad PR if they did that due to the spending habits of the Vatican.

    Which as Past Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, I can tell you most of the Vatican spending is underwritten by us. If people knew how much we Knights supported, they'd shut up about the "wastrel" ways of the church.


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