Thursday, October 8, 2009

Samuel is here!!

Hi, this is Tresa writing for Kerrie, who's chained to a hospital bed (picking the lock, as I was talking to her this morning, though), unable to get online to write and say hi.

Samuel flew into the world yesterday morning, and has since been transferred to a different hospital NICU because of meconium aspiration at his birth. As soon as Kerrie is released from the hospital she's at, she will go to spend a week or so with him until he's released also. I talked to her this morning and she says he's a little fighter, already trying to cough out the tubes they have running into him, and she hopes to be able to nurse him in a few days. She's doing well, feeling better after some sleep last night, and will be back soon with pictures and (I hope/request) a birth story.

Welcome to the world, Samuel, and congratulations to Kerrie, Aron, and their family!


  1. HOORAY!!! Congrats momma!!! Thanks Tresa for the update.

    If Samuel is like his mom, he'll fight and tell the nurses off. ;-)

  2. Ohhh... Congrats, Kerrie!! Prayers for your little guy right now. Hope you are feeling better and released soon so you can be with little Samuel.

  3. Let us know what we can do to help

  4. Kerrie--I hope you and Samuel get to feeling better soon!!

  5. Congratulations Kerri...we all can't wait to meet the new little man in your life!

  6. I hadn't read this before but Congratulations! Hope the little guy is home and in your anxious arms soon!


  7. Congrats and prayers, Kerrie!! Baby Sam and family are in my thoughts and prayers!!

  8. Welcome to the world Samuel!

  9. Congrats!! I will be keeping him in my prayers and will pray you will all be home soon! So happy that Samuel is here!

  10. welcome to the world Samuel! Congrats kerrie!


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