Thursday, October 15, 2009

Woo Hoo!

Tonight I type as I hold my sleeping baby in my arms. Couldn't get to the task of uploading new pix, but will soon! Just know there are good ones of all siblings holding little Sam. On top of endometritis, I also have hypertension and am supposed to be just hanging out, which is hard to do. Anyway, more later, as Sam is screaming hungry now and nursing is going just okay so far ...


  1. I'm at a loss for words. I'm chuffed for you and Aron.

  2. You're so lucky. My baby boy, my now almost 12 yr old was born 3 mo. before his due date. He was 2lbs, 5oz and spent 48 days in the NICU.

  3. Whoa. The previous comment. That's must've been scary. My friend was born 3 months early and so tiny. The Dr's told the parents he would never make it. He did and now he's 30 years old and a fire fighter.

    So, nursing is just going okay? Not enough milk or is he just having a hard time? With this one, it was so painful when he nursed I would have major sores and bruises till I got used to it. Now it's great. I've been so busy it's been hard to blog or anything. I just looove having a newborn though.

  4. Wonderful news! You guys had a rough start so nursing will be fine after some practice!

    Glad you and baby are well and finally the family is all together.


  5. Girl! So glad to hear the news. I guess I am a little behind. We need to catch up. ~ Alex


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