Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Lego Monster

My kids love Legos. Eva loves destroying the creations. I hate stepping on them. This is a picture of Michael with a Lego creation he made and the instruction booklet he made to go with it. I think I need to start keeping the instruction booklets for the Lego stuff (Atlantis, Star Wars, power miners, etc.) in a binder in page protectors or something.

How do you tame the Lego monster?


  1. I have a Lego Monster too. We are still trying to tame it. We have put the Lego's in plastic storage, but we are still trying to come up with a solution to the instructions.

  2. We've taken a 3 pronged approach: shelving (to keep the creations out of the reach of baby sister and younger brother), Ziploc with all essential instructions, and large locking bin for the "general" Legos that all creations must return to once room has run out on the shelving. (Now I just have to figure out how to dust around all of the beautiful Powerminers).

  3. LOL you have the same divided trays we do at home! We got ours from the thrift store. They keep essential nutrients from touching each other; that's very important.



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