Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ask (or Gripe), and You Shall Receive

Callie and Michael like to have tea parties with a tea set Ellen got Callie for Christmas. Back on April 20 (sorry, but I have to post-date my entries because of that pesky no-Internet-access-at-home thing) they had a tea party.

Dilemma: no cookies.

I was crazy busy (yes, SA [smart a**], it was a little different from every other day) but was willing to make them no-bake drop cookies.

Dilemma: no sugar.

As I’m griping about how I’m not psychic and sugar should have been put on the grocery list, etc., a sweet woman from church came by to drop off some wonderful clothes for my kids, as she does from time to time. Guess what else she brought?

A big tin of chocolate chip cookies.

I almost cried. I saved 3 for Aron, ate a few for my own stress relief purposes, then gave the tin to the kids for their tea party. How cool is that?  Now it's time for some subliminal advertising:
You know you want The Kerrie Show in your Inbox every day, so why aren't you signing up for an e-mail subscription over on the right-hand side of her blog?

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