Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Mac Family Update Part Two (Homeschooling)


Nope, not tired of homeschooling yet, and the kids still love it, too. Joel’s doing his multiplication, cursive, English, history and more plus earning his Scouts religious emblem, helping out at Harvester’s, and earning badges, pins and loops for Scouts in things like Swimming, Traveler, Fitness, Forester, Good Manners, Fishing, Reading and Writing, and Gymnastics. He’s crazy about Black Beauty right now (TV show on DVD and the book).

Michael is always making something out of all sorts of materials and comes up with games and puzzles of his own. He’s reading Flat Stanley and getting ready for his First Communion in May.

Callie is doing typical kindergarten stuff at a slow pace, which is how we like to take things sometimes. She’s doing great with her numbers and I read to her all the time. She writes letters all the time and is starting to see how they go together to make words. Sometimes she’ll read a word out of the blue and freak me out!

Eva and Sam putter around and make messes while we do school.

Homeschooling also includes things like days at the zoo, Lego Robotics for Michael, gymnastics for the boys, Religious Ed class for the boys, trips to the grocery store, and magazine deliveries. We’re big on life skills learning around here. They do their chores, and learn how to cook (who learns how to make a chocolate raspberry torte with their dad at SCHOOL?). Sure, homeschooling isn’t for everyone, but it seems to somehow be God’s perfect plan for us so far. Working on an ebook about homeschooling, so ask me any questions you like!

Next update: Writing

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