A couple of weeks ago Aron and I got to go on an actual date. Our last date was in October for our anniversary, and it stunk because Michael was having OCD stuff and we went to dinner anyway and pretty much scowled at each other the whole time because we disagreed on how to handle the OCD (turns out Aron was right). Anyway, we try to go out on a date once a year whether we need to or not, so we went out recently for Valentine's Day, leaving all 5 kids in the capable hands of Jordan for TWO HOURS ... almost a record! We ate at On the Border and ran into the best boss I ever had and his awesome wife. So ... let's recap. I got to wear stretchy skinny jeans with these heels, I got to be alone with my husband, didn't have to cook, had adult conversation with other people, and none of my little people even cried while I was gone. We may just have to work this sort of thing into the budget THREE TIMES A YEAR!
How about you? Ladies, when was the last time you wore heels, or do you wear them all the time? I personally love the look of them but hate the feel. These are the only heels I own, along with my other like 5 pair of shoes. I know, I'm such a guy.
As for dating, how often do you date? My friend dates her husband weekly. Some do it annually and have a strong marriage.
Gosh, I haven't been on a date since our anniversary in December. I don't have any babysitters and if I hire one, it's too expensive for 6 kids! I seriously need big family mommies to live by me. I don't know of any even in my state. So I just dream about living near all my blogging friends