I have to admit that I am only in the middle of reading my advance copy of Blacklisted From the PTA, but I am totally in love. I have loaded it onto my sweet new sixth child, my Toshiba Laptop McLoughlin (yes, she has a middle name now, ElfMom!) and read it every chance I get. I love the irreverent humor, and you will, too! She says things we all think, like how we all need to date our hubby more, and she gives us tips, like to make sure you shave before you go out and don't tell him to order the diet plate. She also shares her brief foray into the world of cloth diapering (brief, as in hours!). I love Lela Davidson and can't wait to read more of her essays. She is going to be a popular writer, so watch out for her! If you want to know more, check out the links below to get her book in paperback, on Kindle, to follow her on FB or Twitter. I guarantee she'll have you laughing!
P.S. You gotta love the red pumps on the cover!
Twitter @leladavidson, #BlacklistedFromThePTA, #PTAoutcast
Thanks, Kerrie! And yes, come see me on Facebook, before they stage the intervention ;)