Sunday, July 24, 2011

Reasons to Homeschool: Time With Grandparents

OK, I admit this was taken in the summer, but it could be in the spring or fall or winter. It's a photo of my dad pushing a few of the kids I brought on the merry-go-round at the park by his house. To me, it's cool to be able to hang out with my dad during the week. We have plans to go to the nature centers by his house, and to me that counts as a field trip, only less noisy and crazy and with zero permission slips to be signed and no nasty school busses.

We also like to chill with my mom, although now that she's working we don't get to as much. On her day off during the week she likes to work on her tan with her friend. Once cooler weather hits, though, we'll be alternating weeks at each other's home ... heading to Mickey D's playland for lunch, maybe to the pet store, maybe just sitting around watching movies and playing games and talking.

We also get to have my MIL come over every other week. She is retired now and likes to help out ... somehow I always end up relegating her to my nasty kitchen. I know she's coming, so I let the dishwasher run and let dishes pile up in the sink and have her make Koolaid and cook meat for dinner and such when she arrives. She also cleans my fridge. She is a Godsend!

Then there is my FIL ... who sometimes takes Joel to our local food bank to volunteer with him.

Let's not forget my step-parents ... Nana who will be an amazing resource for quilting and cooking advice and how is nice to just chill out with. She makes the most beautiful quilts for the kids! And Papa Dave, who scares the crap out of the kids by chasing them around the house and the yard with water and a scary voice.

What a great set of parents. A reason to homeschool AND a reason to never move away!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could homeschool my kids more. I don't know what's wrong with me but I just don't have the time. I am always crunching and don't know how people find the time. I have a lot of crisis with personal friends happening right now so I've been trying to help them. It just makes me kind of sad because if I was a better homeschooler, I'd keep them all home with me.


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