Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to Samuel McLoughlin!

This little dude, my youngest, is 2 years old today. We'll probably go on a field trip to a fun nature center or children's garden-type of place and grab some ice cream.  Since he's too little to care and we're low on funds, we'll probably just eat dinner at home. Then tomorrow is his birthday party at our house! Cake and ice cream will flow freely all over the house, and he will be surrounded by those who love him.

He just got his first haircut this week and he looks ornier than ever (pix to come). He is a crazy little sweet pea who is independent and fierce and still nurses and sleeps next to his mom and dad.

We love you, Sam!

Crap, I accidentally didn't post-date this, so it's showing up early. Sorry about that! His birthday is Friday the 7th!

1 comment:

  1. I remember how we had our babies close together and look at them now! Our babies are growing up.


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