Sunday, February 25, 2018

Banana Bread Recipe Made With Peach or Strawberry Applesauce

*Originally posted May 1, 2015

Let's ring in May with a recipe I'm making this morning. I hope to make a few batches so my husband, the kids and his brother and his kids can take some on their fishing trip this weekend. I'll make a regular batch, one with chocolate chips and maybe try one with Chia seeds. This is a terrific recipe to bake with the kids!

Banana Bread
½ cup applesauce (consider using strawberry or peach applesauce!)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla
1 t. baking soda
¼ t. salt
1 cup flour (white, wheat or ½ wheat, ½ white)
Optional: ¼ cup wheat germ or 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
3 ripe bananas

Mix applesauce and sugar, add eggs and vanilla and stir. Add baking soda, salt, flours and wheat germ and mix. Add bananas, mashing them up in the mixture so they are chunky still. Pour into greased bread pan and bake at 350 degrees for about an hour. I like to use my Pampered Chef bread pan that makes 4 small loaves so they cook faster and are easier to share J Stand back because the kids will devour this one.

Head over to Kerrie the Kitchen Queen for lots more recipes! And check out The Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook!

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