Saturday, May 26, 2012

Staying Longer/Need Zoo Guest Posts (Wyoming Day 19)

We'll get down to business in a moment.

This day has made me start a new Category of posts on the blog: Zoos. I've been to 10 and the kids have been to 9 ... I think we need a new goal of hitting a zoo in every state (hell, why not in every COUNTRY?!) before we die. Until then, I'm happy to take guest review posts of any zoo you've been to (photos are a plus!). Here are the ones I'm writing about (Hogle Zoo will be another post full o' pix) or have written about, and you can take over the rest:
  1. Kansas City Zoo
  2. San Diego Zoo
  3. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
  4. Houston Zoo (2015)
  5. Phoenix Zoo
  6. Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium
  7. Deanna Rose Farmstead (it counts!)
  8. Topeka Zoo
  9. Dickerson Park Zoo
  10. Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City
  11. St. Louis Zoo
  12. Does SeaWorld in San Diego count???

So here's the "spoiler" I was talking about on The Kerrie Show's Facebook page.

We are staying an extra 10 days.

I know, it doesn't seem like a lot in the grand scheme of life. But when you plan for 20-ish and it turns into 30-ish there are things that occur:

  1. You disappoint your parents, who miss you and your kids.
  2. You disappoint family members because you're missing a family vacation that was planned a year ago.
  3. You disappoint your friends.
  4. You disappoint your kids, who were looking forward to seeing their friends. Michael is especially upset because he wants to see his Legos (we brought a tub of them) and he doesn't want to have to put lotion on all the time anymore.
  5. You need more checks.
  6. You have to beg people to continue watching your kids' little pets.
  7. You have to beg your stepdad to continue mowing your grass and getting your mail.
  8. You try to understand how your husband's boss could think from the start that you were staying INDEFINITELY with 5 kids. How does a normal person put their life on hold indefinitely? Mail and papers must be stopped or picked up; grass mowed; gardens watered and so much more. Must be nice on that planet.
  9. You have to make sure you can stay at the ranch because the hotel rooms in town are dinky winky.
  10. You have to try to figure out Skype so you can talk to your best girlfriend and her kids.
Anyway, we're staying because as you know the bosses didn't want Aron leaving to go home with us in the van on Memorial Day. We also knew he wouldn't be able to go on the family vacation. So I had a bright idea: why don't we just stay? Better than having him dump us off at home then leave Thursday, drive to a family vacation with out him and then be without him for 2 more weeks. So we get to be together longer AND secure his job for a few more weeks.

In the meantime, I have sent my application to Hooters International. I think it'll be a good fit.

If you missed any installments of the Real World: Wyoming series, head to the right-hand side of this here blog, look for Categories, then click on Wyoming. And if you aren't following The Kerrie Show on Facebook, you are really missing out on spoilers!

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