Saturday, August 25, 2012

Back to School Time: Target Bins Rock!

I know, it seems like all I do lately is write about products I like. Some of them I get for free and write about for free and then beg the company for one to give away, some companies pay me for my time to review their product and want my honest opinion, some stuff I just write about that I bought my very own self. This post is about the THIRD variety: stuff I bought all by myself with the help of my man's paycheck.

So I went to Target = TROUBLE FINANCIALLY. My husband starts to call me after about an hour of being in Target because he knows there just went like 200 bucks. Well, it was back to school time, so whaddya expect?

Well, I did make a splurge. These great bins. I got 5 cuz I gots 5 kids. Theoretically each kid will keep their own crap stuff in their own bin. So far it's working ... if I find something of theirs, I put it in the correct bin. Sometimes they pack up their bin if we are going somewhere so they have something to do all ready to go. They were $8 each and worth every penny. Below, stuffed with school supplies.

Little Sam even got one ... he picked this one out with the cool design. He's such a little model. You'd think we'd been taking pictures of him since seconds after his birth. Wait, that's all my kids. Don't look at my perpetually messy desk behind the sweet kid.

What do you do to stay organized ... homeschooling or not?

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