Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Your Weight Loss Environment and Where to Hide Your Food

Losing weight and getting healthy has a lot to do with what is in your house, in your desk at work, in your car, and everywhere else.

Also check out Weight Loss When You're Traveling and Over the Holidays :-)

For the first few weeks when I'm working on losing weight (aka getting healthy because for me it's not about looking like Barbie but it's instead about being able to be ALIVE and HEALTHY for my children and husband and being able to enjoy life more = energy and joint health as I age), I just can't have tempting stuff around. It has to be hidden from me. After that, I get my Game Face on and can resist that bag of Reese's peanut butter cups. Usually.

The key to resisting the junk is to have stuff around that I personally like, stuff that tempts me AWAY from the junk.

Some of my go-tos are vanilla coke zero, carrots, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, watermelon, fat free sour cream with ranch stirred in, grapes as big as my head, whatever is healthy or light that I crave. Cilantro lime rice with romaine and black beans with a light Ranch dressing rocks. 

Weight Watchers light bars were a big crave for a while, but now not so much. 

Lifesavers orange mints and Jolly Ranchers cinnamons have calories but keep me from things that might be hundreds of calories, and many points. Light yogurt with grape nuts and banana slices. Light English muffin with egg and cheese or deli lunch meat. Light Sara Lee bread is only a point a slice and fills me up (and Aldi has a great version that saves money).

Where should your food live?

I have “my food” on top of the fridge. I buy some stuff for the whole family, but some of it can get costly and I only eat a little at a time while the kids would Tazmanian Devil through it in seconds. Don’t be afraid to say to your kids, “Hey, roomie, this here is MY special food. No touchy, please.” I used to keep it in a lunchbox. 

UPDATE: now that we have moved  I have a pantry as big as Germany and I can hide it up high in there. Maybe you want to hide some of your special weight loss food in your closet or elsewhere in the kitchen or house. Totally up to you. Or, hey, maybe you want to share your special food with your kids and incorporate them into your healthy eating lifestyle!

Check out how to lose weight drinking a yummy orange creamsicle shake every day (Trim Healthy Mama style). I love sipping these because they take some time and fill me up for a while and I know they are good for me (protein powder, yes!).

And how to lose weight drinking a delicious chocolate frappa for a change!

*Originally posted November 2, 2012

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