Monday, February 25, 2013

Messy Monday: Snowed in the Midwest

So we have another big snowstorm in progress here in Kansas City. I got some awesome Popeye arms shoveling snow last week, let me tell you! So now things are getting cancelled left and right. Scouts, gymnastics, religious education, you name it. We are gonna be snowed in. Yeah, we have food and all that stuff. My main concern is keeping everyone OCCUPIED, if you know what I mean.

The kids have plenty of toys and schoolwork and movies to watch and games and all that. So when they are happy and playing, I like to sneak off and ...


Above is a picture that is very exciting to me. It's a box (one of like 3 FULL boxes) of kid artwork, postcards, letters and so on. I got them all organized recently into separate Banker's boxes for each kid. I have a sad reason for having done this. Since my friend's son died, I thought about how I would like easy access to any one of my kids' writings and artwork ... just in case.

Oh, and it'll be nice when they move out and you can say, "Here ya go. Here's your box of stuff. Enjoy it until it gets ruined in your future basement flood. Don't worry about me; I have everything scanned."

I also got stuff out of these boxes because it seems some mice or other creatures got into the boxes and ate some of the stuff with glue on it. And let me give you some advice, parents: don't save the crap made out of macaroni or rice. Mice love that crap and they don't realize they are also eating other important things you have saved.

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