Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pleygo: Like Netflix for LEGOs! #Free First Month!

I think I'm in love. You know how expensive LEGO sets can get, right? And then the LEGOs are ALL. OVER. THE. HOUSE.

As is common at The Kerrie Show, I have a fabulous life solution for you!

Pleygo is a Netflix-like service for Legos!  Subscribe, rent, play, and exchange sets of LEGOs unlimited times per month.  Shipping is always free both ways and sets are sanitized when returned.  They offer a convenient, quick, and inexpensive solution that relieves clutter and saves space at home while saving money.  Co-founded by influential parenting blogger and creator of A-List Mom Elina Furman, Plegyo is the perfect way to supply your child with endless developmental tools and allow for that much-needed quiet time at home! 

There are three levels of subscriptions starting at just $15 that allow you to find the plan that best suits you.  They offer credit toward your account for sets and mixed bricks that you donate to them, and they provide the shipping label too!  Pleygo is a perfect gift for a family friend, loved one, or birthday party.  Purchase a gift subscription and send it with a special message from you!  They are constantly expanding their inventory with more sets!

Receive your First Month FREE here or directly at to register!

Check this out. Even a one-month subscription would be a perfect gift for Christmas from a grandparent!

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