Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Son Is Baking 120 Dozen Cinnamon Rolls Today ... and I'm Chillin'

No, not by himself, silly! With his Boy Scout troop! Thanks to the ever-rockin', fire-fightin' Bill Schneider for taking this photo (I like to give a shout-out and don't do it enough).

Mr. Kerrie is off work for THREE WEEKS so you might be seeing me on here quite a bit posting fun holiday happenings. Know why? 'Cuz I found the external hard drive so I can transfer all the pictures to it that are backing up like a dude who ate too many beans and too much cheese. I've knocked out some big proofing jobs and it's time to concentrate on preparing the house for Christmas.

Wow, reading that back it is a big fat wonder I make any money at all to write because I just jump from topic to topic. Sorry about that. Lemme slow down.

My point is that my camera should be empty so I can QUICKLY post new pictures in the coming weeks. I know the grandparents love that!

Mr. Kerrie has been working insane hours (like 16+ hours per day) and it's been Crazy Town here. I'm looking forward to my man being off work so I can have some fun with my kids instead of policing them, to working on my Laid-Back Homeschooling book and getting it out in time for all the people to receive their Kindles at Christmastime. And then there's shopping for stocking stuffers and other last-minute fun. Maybe the growing pile of clean laundry will get put away magically, as well!

And finding the Excel file with all the addresses for Christmas cards since our PC shot craps. It's cool, you know I'll also post the humblebrag Christmas letter on the blog!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah (wait, that's over), Happy Holidays, Happy New Year!

Love, Kerrie

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