Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day! Calling Out the People in my Life

*I am doing this blog post with the hope that it will get me out of writing cards

I would first like to say Happy Valentine's Day to my parents, who raised me with so much love so that I could give it to others freely. Mom and Dad, if you ever think I'm super sappy, that would be all your fault for rockin' so hard. Also, Happy Valentine's Day to my step-parents. Thank you for putting up with my parents ... haha!

Happy VD also to my husband, Aron (see, I didn't call you Mr. Kerrie today!). Last weekend he brought me this hunk of soap from the salt mine in Hutchinson and I am loving it ... smells super good. I'm calling that a VD gift so you are off the hook.

Happy VD to my son Joel, who always poses for my blog shots and who brought back rock candy from the salt mine. I love rock candy.

Happy VD to my son Michael, King of All Legos.

Happy VD to my daughter Callie,who is just as much of a Jamberry nail wrap addict as I am.

Happy VD to my daughter Eva, who lazy mops, and it's like looking in a mirror.

Happy VD to my son Samuel, who likes to bake in the buff.

Happy VD also to my awesome friends! I hope everyone has a terrific day! And remember:

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