Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday's Chicken Theme: Cuddling vs. Eating

Today was another blast.:

  • Finished proofreading my friend Christine Shuck's kick-ass book War's End, Book One: The Storm because Book Two is done and being looked over once more by her so I can proof it soon! 
  • Watched her daughter for a while today. Her daughter says I am like her second mom, which made me cry!
  • Found out from the eye doc that Callie's broken glasses frames will need to be sent out, so there's a week for her without her glasses.
  • Delivered Jamberry nails to my peeps who ordered.
  • When Christine and Dave picked up their daughter they had bought chicks for egg-laying later on! They were snuggly and lovely! My mom is going to love this crap!

And here is dinner, not cooked yet (chicken dipped in milk/mustard then flour/cheddar cheese), recipe courtesy of my behind-me neighbor!

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