Tuesday, July 22, 2014

#LegoLand Discovery Center Kansas City ... A FULL-ON Blast!

Here's the sister post to this one with more words in case you are interested in knowing more about our day at LegoLand Discovery Center in Kansas City. LegoLand and SeaLife are where a department store called Hall's (Hallmark, anyone? Yes, Hallmark HQ is right around the corner) used to be and it was cool, but if you ask me, I think LegoLand and SeaLife are a MUCH better use of that space over there ... but then, I never was much of a shopper.

Anyway, thank you to US Family Guide for the opportunity to get 7 free tickets to LegoLand so we could check it out for our second time and really enjoy it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

See that partial building behind my family? I used to work there and dream every single day about getting married to Mr. Kerrie someday and being a stay-at-home mom!

Someday Michael will be the Master Model Builder

Master Model Builder's office ... half of it. This is what our house would look like if I let it.

More of the office

Sam makes a friend

Some game thing in the start area

HOLY MOLEY ... there's a room where everything is made from Legos ... even Royals Stadium and Arrowhead Stadium!


Eva rides a Lego giraffe before we went in to see a 3D movie which also had wind and water effects!

One of the rides ... there are 2 good ones! This is the Harry Potter one.

Kerrie and Eva on the ride

Daddy and Sam

After, across the street at Crown Center

Gotta eat at Fritz's if you're going to Crown Center. How many times did I pass by this place on my way to get tuna salad with no onions for my demanding boss-lady back in the day?

Happy family eating some burgers, having some shakes

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