Friday, August 8, 2014

Date Night with Mr. Kerrie

The movie CHEF is HIGHLY recommended by Mr. Kerrie and I. The kids totally pushed us out the door so they could have time with Jordan. Jordan let us borrow her Mustang GT 5.0 STICK SHIFT car. I do miss a stick shift car, friends.

Mr. Kerrie may or may not have gone 90 mph down our street in second gear on the way home. I am not saying. We may have gone to the Plaza and Downtown. I thought it might be fun to have a fast car someday but on second thought I would like to keep my husband alive as long as possible and a fast car = trouble in our house.

Don't make fun of my pose. This is the pose I do because I learned it from my sitter so it's just funny when a 43-year-old does it and that's the point ... to be funny!

The night was a success and if we had sitter money we would probably go on a date every single week. I can see that happening in our future!!! I do love Mr. Kerrie and have a pretty good time with the dude even 19 years later. How can you not love someone who takes you how you are most of the time and doesn't gripe about it too much?!

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