Thursday, September 11, 2014

Talk Like a Pirate Day Freebies (Krispy Kreme and Long John Silver's)

Last weekend we went to Krispy Kreme and got a piece of paper about Talk Like a Pirate Day!!! Dress like a pirate and get a FREE DOZEN original glazed doughnuts! Check their website for details on what dressing like a pirate entails. I think we might give it a shot this year just for fun. I'm not sure if EACH PERSON gets a dozen ... that would be insane and does anyone know if doughnuts freeze well in that case?! (OMG, just checked the site and it is PER PERSON ... 6 dozen doughnuts, here we come!)

Last year Long John Silver's participated (one of my favorite places to eat EVER), but this year I scoured Google and their website and it doesn't look like this little holiday is catching on. So ... enjoy your doughnuts!

UPDATE here on how our day went and how easy it was to get the 4 dozen donuts!

Cute little pirate dude graphic taken from

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is per person and the freeze well! I laid them out flat on a cookie sheet until they were frozen then tossed them into a zip lock.


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