Monday, December 22, 2014

Little Ones Using Imagination Versus Electronics

Igniting Imagination in Your Child Through Creative Play

While it is widely known that the early years of your child’s life are essential in helping them learn, develop, and play, sometimes it can be tricky to come up with new and creative ways to hold the attention of your baby or toddler. Rather than give in and give them your Smartphone, a tablet, or similar handheld electronic apparatus, give them something that instead forces them to use what’s arguably their biggest asset - their imagination.

Beyond the School Setting

While your child probably receives lots of stimulation in a daycare or preschool setting through organized activities and interaction with their peers, it’s up to you to take care of things on your own home turf. When you know where to look, your home offers endless opportunities for creative play with your child. Try dressing up and role-playing or other forms of “real-life play,” and make sure to have regularly scheduled play dates to encourage socialization with other children. Never underestimate the importance of art and music, either. Try forming a family band and put on a show for friends and neighbors, or have some fun with finger paint or a full watercolor set.

Here’s the bottom line – it’s up to you to make the most of your time with your children, and to create an environment that’s both enjoyable and ideal for fostering imaginative play.

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