Monday, January 26, 2015

I Used to Hate Mondays #ILoveMondays

I used to hate Mondays so badly. I know my husband doesn't enjoy them! That's because the kids are so awesome and he loves hanging with them over the weekends! I used to hate them when I was working at an office, too!

Now Monday means back to homeschooling, we usually go swimming at the indoor pool, I get a light Starbucks drink treat for myself and cookies for the kids, we get to sleep in after getting up early the day before for church, I get to go to the gym by myself to walk on the treadmill and get some quiet time or TV/music time while I do something good for my body/health. I also love my businesses that I do (Jamberry, Younique, Simply Aroma, editing, writing articles and ebooks), and I'm back to that on Monday morning before the kids start waking up to start learning.

I want everyone to love Mondays! I leave you with something inspirational:

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