Wednesday, April 1, 2015

#TheKerrieShow in #Houston Day 18: Visiting Bubbe, Last Beach Day and Goodbyes

Today was very emotional. We drove downtown to see my friend Jennifer Gutierrez's grandma at the assisted living place and took her some Dove dark chocolate since it was her birthday! As we left I got a little teary thinking of my Poppy because some of the rooms where Bubbe lives are like where my Poppy lived while he was dying. It really messed me up inside and made me so sad, but when that happens I don't like to shut down in front of my kids. I made sure to calm down and explain to the kids why I was upset.

Then we hopped on the highway to hit Galveston for our very last beach day.

Once we got back to the hotel it was time for free dinner and a quick treadmill workout for me. The kids had fun with their last night in the pool area with their friend Lacie.

Mr. Aron chilling out

Me and Aly ... she wasn't working but came in to see me off! The best hotel front desk person EVER, no joke! Give this girl a raise!

Lacie's mom, Lori. Hotel guest and all-around sweet lady.

Me and Ping, who works at the hotel and gives the best service anyone could ever hope for ... such a neat soul. I will miss these people truly and still tear up as I type this weeks later.

Rushing around to pack but we had to get one last shot with their friend Lacie in our room.

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