Monday, June 1, 2015

First Week of Summer Plan 2015!

In order to try to keep my ADD butt in order for the summer I'm going to post our weekly plans here! Then as we do cool things I'll post about them on the blog with photos so you know the awesome things to do in Kansas City and beyond! I love to fit learning in with fun!

Manic Monday:
Daddy leaves town for work (sad face)
Cornstarch science experiment

Swimsuit for Eva
Have a friend over for the kids
Swimming at inside pool because it's only in the 60s temperature-wise
Joel to Scouts

Tackle It Tuesday:
Weight Watchers weigh-in morning

Pick strawberries in Lawrence at a farm (blog post to come)
LEGO monthly minibuild
Tackle It Tuesday project: the huge toy ottoman

Wacky Wednesday:
Free school lunch at local school with the Hammonds
Parkside to play at park with homeschool and school friends, chat with adult friends, walk around the park
Swim at night

Throwback Thursday:
Zoo? Franklin Park? Pool?

Freaky Friday:
Lowry City with my mom to see my grandma
Pool or park later

Super Saturday:
Home Depot kid workshop because we used to do those with the bigger kids but have not in years and I know Eva and Samuel would love them!
Edibles outdoor class

Slow Down Sunday:
Zero plans except to go to Mass at 6:30 p.m.
Catch up on biz stuff while the kids play with the neighbors and go to the park

Have kids do Khan Academy daily and Callie does Reading Eggs while Littles do
Work on more articles for parenting magazines since the simultaneous relaxation/busyness of camping gave me several ideas
Work on Best Summer Ever with Kids ebook
Younique parties online
Jamberry parties online
Try to get together with Courtney
Play with neighbors and friends

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