Saturday, July 11, 2015

Runs/Walks in Kansas City: Saints Stampede August 15, 2015 #StThomasAquinas

Before I was the homeschooling writer mom of 5, I used to love to walk all the time as a stress reliever and to stay in shape. Walking is something you can do as a parent anytime, but now that my youngest is 5 and my oldest is 14, it's a lot easier for me to fit in time for my own fitness. Over the winter I walked some at the gym on the treadmill and track. Now I can walk the neighborhood or the field at the school by my house. I'm not a jogger or a runner yet ... but might be someday! For now I walk in my OOFOS sandals because they are the most comfy thing I have ever worn and work perfectly for summertime.

What: St. Thomas Aquinas Saints Stampede

When: Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 7:30 a.m.

Where: St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Overland Park, KS

Proceeds from the Saints Stampede will benefit the Guardian Angel Fun at Saint Thomas Aquinas High School. The Guardian Angel Fund provides tuition assistance to families in need during time of crisis, such as loss of job, divorce or death of a parent. 

Check the link (above after WHAT) for more info!

P.S. I get my info from the fabulous KC Running Company website.

On a personal note, here's my walking story for National Walking Day a couple of years ago with an update.

When you're all done, you'll be hungry! Grab a copy of my Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook and whip up a batch of happiness for dinner!

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