Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Vaccine Hysteria in Archdiocese of KCK: Vaccinate or Leave School

It's easy for me to sit here as a Catholic homeschooling mom of five with a husband with a good job and a few side careers of my own. It's easy for me to pick and choose the vaccine cocktail for my kids. Mr. Kerrie handed me that responsibility long ago and I did my best.

We do vaccine but I won't do Gardisil and we don't do chicken pox, among others. We do the regular ones we are all supposed to be frightened of ... Polio, Pertussis, Tetanus. I did the Tetanus shot since my kids like to go barefoot and I keep them up to date on that one, but do we REALLY need the others I give them? I doubt it. I think we are all freaked out. But I do it anyway and I respect my friends who do not.

Yes, people die of chicken pox. Yes, horrible things happen. I have not personally done the research on how many Polio or Whooping Cough cases have been happening but apparently there is about to be an epidemic and Catholics are at fault for refusing the vaccines. I thought maybe my unschooling hippie friends would be at fault for this one but nope, it's us danged Catholics.

So my husband and I were shocked tonight when I heard from a friend what was going down in my hometown and beyond. I posted on Facebook:

I just heard that if your kid goes to Catholic school in the KCK Archdiocese (yes, this affects many of my peeps) and is not vaccinated within 45 days (with the vaccines that use aborted fetal cells) your kid won't be able to attend school. I also heard the Archbishop and Superintendent are not meeting with anyone on this. Thoughts?

So it gets better! It sounds from this letter that you are okay if your kid is, say, allergic to eggs and eggs are used to make a certain vaccine. But if you just don't want to inject vaccines made with aborted fetal cells into your CATHOLIC kid, you have to suck it up and do it anyway. Oh, and this letter comes AFTER school started. They could not even give the courtesy of pulling this crap at the start of summer to give parents time to figure it all out and make other choices. Sounds like a great way to RESPECT LIFE, Archdiocese of KCK. What are you thinking?

AND, they are urging you to write the vaccine manufacturers, LIKE THAT HAS EVER DONE ANY GOOD! Laughable!

Check out this letter below, and sorry for the poor screenshot quality. One is the letter to write to vaccine companies and the other is the letter to parents about the situation. I am not calling out St. James Academy on this one because it is all Catholic schools who are having to deal with this. I actually feel sorry for them.

And I close with this that I posted on Facebook also:
Can I ask the parents at St. James something? And other Catholic high schools? So mandatory drug testing of your kids is okay but this is not? It all starts somewhere, with those little things that they stick their faces into that they should not (they are to educate, not drug test). At what point will you start to say NO?

I just think we need to wake up and that's why I get fired up and post things like this. Nazi Germany was not created in a day, people. It took a long time to gear up and happen and a lot of complicit people ... this is ridiculous and I am wondering what is going to happen in 45 days. The countdown is on.

P.S. I apologize if you are having trouble leaving me comments. I welcome all comments, even those from depressed and angry trolls trying to mess with my day. Good luck with that one. I installed Intense Debate on my blog a few years ago and could never get it off.


  1. Many dioceses already do this and I think its phenominal! Go KCK!


    You might want to educate yourself before writing a blog post on this subject. The Vatican actually has said that we have a moral obligation to vaccinate, even with vaccines derived from aborted fetal cells. First, the Vatican recognizes that the fetal cells were taken from three aborted babies, and while that is indeed immoral, the vaccines themselves do not actually contain aborted fetal cells, nor are babies continually aborted to make the vaccines. Second, the diseases these vaccines protect against -- rubella, chicken pox, and hepatitis a -- can be fatal to unborn children if the mother catches the disease. So the Vatican rightly believes that it protecting the lives if living unborn children is more important than risking those lives out of some misguided sense of righteousness. So considering that your archdiocese is perfectly in line with the Vatican, your righteous indignation seems awfully misplaced. Because Because I assume you wouldn't knowingly advocate for your archdiocese to flout Church teachings based on the claims of uneducated and uninformed people who don't understand the science of immunology and vaccination, right? I'm sure that now that you know better, you'll be happy knowing that your archdiocese has taken this position.

    Also, my archdiocese has the same policy, and I am thrilled by it. I'm glad to know that my children can go to a Catholic school and not be at high risk for catching at horrible disease that would have been wiped out except for the efforts of anti-vaxxers.

    1. Jennifer Garrison, OFSSeptember 4, 2015 at 6:30 PM

      You may want to meet and speak with some of the mothers and fathers caring/mourning for vaccine-injured children (and those who know them) before LAUDING a policy that essentially holds a Catholic education hostage from parents who are legitimately SCARED to get their other children vaccinated. Put yourself into their shoes before being "overjoyed" by their fears, please.
      These are REAL PARENTS, REAL CHILDREN, and REAL INJURIES....NONE of which were predicted before they occurred. In their policy on vaccines, the Vatican also takes into account the "well-informed conscience" that one MUST FOLLOW. Even though they state there are "no proper grounds" for refusing them, tell that to a parent who knows someone whose child was typically developing one day, and regressing or dead the next after doctors acknowledge that the child had an adverse reaction. There is more than abortion on the table here; there is the removal of choice of a procedure that MIGHT adversely affect a child forever. Drs will not prognosticate that a vax will NOT adversely affect a child... therefore where there is any doubt, the parent should be allowed the well-informed choice. And trust me: most of the parents I know who are dealing with this are, indeed, WELL-INFORMED as far as their children go.

    2. Vaccine injury, although rare, is real and we always must consider these effects. However, the diseases are equally real and cause far more damage than the vaccines. An unvaccinated child is at greater risk for disease than a vaccinated child. In general, the unvaccinated child is more likely to infect other people than a vaccinated child. So before we become disproportionately concerned over the procedure that might adversely affect one child, let us not forget that not vaccinating one child might adversely affect many children (even an entire school full of children). Fear does not come from God, but courage does. It seems to me that having the courage to exposure your child to a small risk so that all children they meet are safe is a very good choice.

    3. Jennifer Garrison, OFSSeptember 5, 2015 at 4:22 PM

      My family... and many others who decide to forego vaccination... are not as negligent as you presume. I have done much, MUCH research and have found many remedies that not only fight disease... but also prevent these things are used when breakouts occur. Herbs, essential oils, probiotics, cutting out sugar during times of spreading infection are just a few measures we take to stay healthy. I worked in a school district last year with children with disabilities... lots of snots, coughing, sneezing, etc. I was the ONLY one in my office of Speech Pathologists who did NOT get sick once. My 9 mos old has only had ONE minor sniffle... he has never had sugar or processed food and was anointed with Frankincense (a powerful immune booster) on the day of his birth and any time anyone in our family comes down ill. Essential oils are AMAZING... as is a lot of the "forgotten" folk remedies. The science is trickling in on these remedies... and many of them WORK. All of these things at my disposal (and I have direct experience of what they can do) are reasons for me NOT to fear viruses. I would counter that those who are FORCING vaccines on the people are the ones with the fear... the fear of the past coming back, when we have discovered so much! Those who choose not to take the RISK of vaccination have other options, but the mainstream medical community are determined to discount those options. I choose to forego the risk of permanently damaging my youngest child and to support his immune system without injecting foreign material into his first line of immune defense (his skin) to be taken all over his body by his lymphatic system, including...possibly...his brain.

    4. Jennifer,
      Thank you for your work with special needs children. Let us not forget that we are on the same team. My grandparents were third order. I am glad that you have found something that helps you keep your family healthy. I am sorry that you find yourself in a difficult choice. I am praying for you. I would like to suggest that there is great value in listening to our Catholic leaders in matters of morality. I remember when I was struggling with Catholic teaching on contraception and I decided I should listen to these men who had dedicated their lives to helping others lead holy lives. Of course, this had consequences for me, my wife, and my family, but all these seem to be good, despite my suspicions.

      Please remember to be merciful to our bishops. Archbishop Naumann is currently doing the job of two men, and I am certain that being leader of one dioceses is no easy task. I don't know how many thousands of children attend Kansas City Kansas Archdiocese schools, but I am sure it is at least a few thousand. Now, in order protect these children of God from the natural evil of infectious disease, Archbishop Naumann with his fellow Kansas bishops have considered all the information and concluded that vaccinating all children (except for those children with medical countraindications) is best. I cannot be very critical of him for siding with the decades of highly regulated vaccine research over the limited (amount and quality) research on remedies such as essential oils. Remember he is concerned will all the children, no easy task.

      I suspect there is another issue. The Catholic Church has no official teaching on vaccines. How can a Catholic request a religious exemption to vaccination when the Catholic Church does not teach that Catholics should avoid vaccines? I am no expert, but for a Catholic to write and sign that they are an adherent of a religious denomination whose teachings are opposed to immunizations sure seems like a violation of the 8th commandment and a serious offense against the Truth. Perhaps our bishops are trying to make it difficult for us to commit serious sin. It is our Catholic leaders pastoral duty to help us avoid sin and refusing to accept letters from Catholics stating that their religion (Catholicism) teaches the immorality of vaccines may help people avoid offending the Truth.

  3. The issue is should Catholics be forced to vaccinate even if it goes against their conscience?Catechism of the Catholic Church 1782:
    Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions. "He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters."53
    This is not an issue of children who are already immunized catching a disease, its an issue of conscience. Its not an issue of "educating" people. Its an issue of people who have studied and prayed and used their conscience to make a decision for their children. And whether you or I would make that same choice it doesn't matter because they are the ones that are going to have to stand before God! In the "Year of Mercy" shouldn't those who are unvaccinated or "under vaccinate" be welcomed into the Church equally as homosexuals?

    1. Individuals who engage in homosexual acts, but happen to be sitting behind me at Mass are not putting the health of my unborn child at risk. Those who are unvaccinated or under vaccinated ARE putting the life of my 8 week old, in-utero baby at risk. Why is that so hard to understand? Yes, some of these vaccines were created immorally, and as faithful Catholics we MUST advocate for morally manufactured alternatives. But, please tell me how getting the Varicella vaccine, which was produced from cell lines derived from aborted fetuses more than 40 years ago, is MORE material cooperation with evil than potentially causing the death of the baby in my womb. My baby and I are sitting right behind you at Mass. Why can't you see that you're not loving your neighbor? Why aren't you more concerned with THIS pro life issue?

    2. Jennifer Garrison, OFSSeptember 4, 2015 at 7:10 PM

      People who do not vaccinate may have some very compelling and ACTUAL REASONS that have led them to their very hard decision. Think about it: WHY would someone put themselves and their children under such SCRUTINY with such a decision?? Your presumption (and very uncharitable judgement, I would add) that such a person is "not loving" their neighbor becomes a false one.
      A bit of Christ-based compassion would go a LONG way here.

    3. Of course, Jennifer. There are some very compelling reasons. Those would be actual medically necessary exemptions, like your child has an auto-immune disorder, and so they are too vulnerable to be vaccinated. Of course, that puts an even greater responsibility on those of us who are healthy, who can and SHOULD vaccinate to do so, not only to protect ourselves, but to protect the kid with Leukemia who is attending the same Mass as my family.

    4. Shannon, indeed this is a matter of conscience. It is incorrect to interpret the quote from the catechism to mean that man’s conscience is autonomous and that man is free from the moral obligation to conform to the authority of the Magisterium of the Church (see this article for more information Let us not forget the consciences of our bishops and school administrators who are trying to prevent turning schools into breeding grounds of the natural evil of infectious disease, and who do not want to see more children suffer from preventable illness. Again, THIS is a pro-life issue.

    5. Love if you are vaccinated how is it possible that your unborn child will contract a disease? Letters from Bishops and Catholic Schools are in no way shape or form infallible. In fact there are many times in history when the Holy Father had to fraternity correct Bishops. And not all Bishops across the world agree on this particular topic. A Catholic with a well formed conscience is allowed to disagree with their Bishop and set up a meeting to discuss said matter. One the things that has sparked such outrage in the KC area is the refusal of the said meetings. The Church allows for vaccinations because we are so far removed from the original sin. It does not however MANDATE in order to be a Catholic in good standing that you do vaccinate.

      Rome is burning and the schools are worried about chicken pox. There are bigger fish to fry when it comes to the Catholic schools.

    6. Vaccines are not perfectly effective, just as they are not perfectly safe. The more people who use vaccines, the more effective vaccines are for the population, in this case, the children at the schools.

  4. It's hard to take a stand on something like this publicly, and that's what I'm doing because I do have a right to my opinion as well. No need to be nasty about this. No, I don't have 100% of the facts but I know what could happen if this isn't stopped. They will lose not only students but parishioners. It's just not a great situation in general.

    1. The bishops have spoken, it seems. Although I am eager to see an actual letter from the Archdiocese, and not a supposed position referenced by a school. I am grateful that the bishops are wisely advocating to protect the most vulnerable from PREVENTABLE, potentially devastating diseases. It's time for Catholics with children attending these schools to decide if they are "catholic" or Catholic. Are we faithful to the Magisterium, or only interested in being faithful when it's not scary or uncomfortable for us? It's time for many Catholic parents to stop putting their CRUNCH before their Savior.

    2. And furthermore, Kerrie. Jesus said a lot of things that made people uncomfortable, and they put him to death for it. As his followers, we must have the courage to do what is correct, even if we fear loss of parishioners and students. After all, the goal is heaven, not parishioners and students.

    3. Jennifer Garrison, OFSSeptember 4, 2015 at 7:49 PM

      I would venture that a policy like this borders on placing the INDUSTRY before their Savior... and the lives the Savior has given us to nurture and protect. Some families do not have the means to seek out the specialists to assure that their children are safe from auto-immune disorders. Children do NOT come with a "Auto-Immune Disorder Included" sticker on them, which is notable, since children are vaccinated from the day of birth. I have SEVERAL friends local in the KC area alone who only discovered AFTER vaccine injury that the injury was the result of a genetic susceptibility. So, once again, compassion.... and not pulling the "you are not as good a Catholic as I".... would be in order.
      Find out their stories...get into their world. Get to know their HEARTS and the counsel the HOLY SPIRIT gives to these families before pre-judging. Peace.

    4. Of course, we must have compassion for the vaccine injured and I certainly appreciate the fear that many parents feel. However, that fear is often created by incorrect information, much of which I find on blog posts. There really isn't any industry to put before our Savior. Here are the highest retail costs of the vaccines listed in the St. James Academy letter, with numbers coming from the CDC (

      DTAP (5 shot series) - $2.72 ($13.60 for the 5 shot series)
      Polio (4 shot series) - $2.88 ($11.52 for the 4 shot series)
      Varicella (2 shot series) - $10.08 ($20.16 for the 2 shot series)
      MMR (2 shot series) - $5.99 ($11.98 for the 2 shot series)
      Tdap (1 shot) - $8.52
      Total for 1 student at St. James Academy - $72.74

      Now remember that these dollars do not exclusively go to the vaccine manufacturers. For example, $2.48 of the $72.74 are Federal Excise Taxes which fund the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund. In other words, every time you pay to vaccinate your child, you are also paying to make sure that vaccine injured children are payed to help deal with their injuries. Remember that a single vaccine is required to undergo around $1 billion in testing and evaluation before it can be sold to the public. As far as business models go, vaccines are the worst. It is very hard to break even on products that a person will spend around $10 on in their lifetime but cost $1 billion to create. In general, the people making, evaluating, regulating, and using these vaccines are good people who want to eliminate the evil of infectious disease. They also want to be fairly compensated for their hard work. There is no conspiracy here, just a difficult choice of a greater good in the face of two evils.

    5. Oops, I see that I missed the costs associated with HepB vaccine.

      HepB (3 shot series) - $2.32 ($6.96 for the 3 shot series)

      This mistake does not change the conclusion.

  5. Okay, so not getting the chicken pox vaccine for my kids put my other, unborn kids at risk. I am not buying that. Since when did chicken pox become a HORRIBLE DISEASE? When I was growing up it was nothing like Polio or anything like the horrid diseases vaccines were created for in the first place. It seems to me like we are coming up with a vaccine for EVERYTHING these days and they are ALL NECESSARY and if you don't give them, every single one of them, no matter how dumb, you are a bad parent and shame on you. Don't get me started on Gardasil ... I have had a cancer scare and all it took was a biopsy and REGULAR VISITS TO MY DOCTOR to catch it early and it could have been treated. Because some don't go to the doctor and let their bodies be playgrounds (yes, this was me as far as the playground goes), we now have a VACCINE for something. Also, the flu shot is a joke to me for most people ... elderly and very young excluded, of course, and yet, isn't it a crapshoot every year whether they are even giving the correct strain? I guess it's all a big crapshoot and nobody knows anything for certain so why are we all attacking each other?

    1. No, the Chicken Pox is not Polio. It's also not Small Pox. Thank God for that. However, before the vaccine was introduced around 100 people would die from Chicken Pox every year (in the US), and 10,000-13,000 would be hospitalized. I happen to think that 10,000 kids per year being hospitalized for a disease is HORRIBLE, as you say. It's also avoidable, which is why we all should vaccinate, if we can.

    2. Hygiene, nutrition, and sanitation have been the main factors in the eradication of most diseases in the U.S., not vaccinations/immunizations. If you look at pretty much any death related to any of the diseases that there are now vaccinations for, you find other complicating factors. And if the shots are so effective that EVERYBODY HAS TO GET THEM, then get them for your kids and then you have nothing to worry about if somebody else's kid doesn't...right?

    3. I am concerned that many blog posts are inciting fear in parents by spreading misinformation. Let me begin by saying that vaccine science is extremely complex. That is why there are thousands of doctors and scientists who spend their entire careers ensuring the safety and efficacy of vaccines. They assess how horrible the diseases are and how safe the vaccines are and then they publish their finding to be scrutinized by anyone who is interested.

      I think it is wrong to shame parents for not vaccinating, but I think everyone needs to understand all the risks to everyone. There are vaccines that CDC does not recommend and the FDA does not license. Consider tuberculosis, which is a horrible disease. Many countries use the TB vaccine, but given few cases and good diagnostic tests in the US, combined with the relatively low efficacy and safety of the vaccine, the CDC does not recommend this vaccine and the FDA only allows it to be marketed to traveler headed to countries with lots of TB. Now, these kinds of decisions are difficult to make and need maximum, high quality information. Many lives are at stake.

      Gardisil is a special case with unique issues. Since it is not on St. James Academy list of required vaccines, let's leave it out of the discussion.

      As far Hygiene, nutrition, and sanitation being the main factors in the eradication of most diseases in the U.S, this is false. The cited articles details why the measles vaccine is critical and how it took three attempts to eradicate the disease from U.S. The article does state that measles death rates decreased prior to the vaccine, but this appears to be due to improved hospital care and nutrition (there is a well known benefit of vitamin A in preventing measles deaths that is about half as effective as vaccination). Still, hospitalization for encephalitis is something I want to avoid, even if I don't die. Hygiene and sanitation are not mentioned in the article. But let us go one step further. Can anyone identify for me a specific improvement in hygeine, nutrition, or sanitation which occurred between 2000 and 2010 that resulted in the 82% decrease in chickenpox cases? (

      Finally, as Catholics, we must respect the dignity of all people. I don't think that people who don't vaccinate are intentionally causing harm, and we must be charitable when helping them understand the harm they are causing. I know that this is the hard way, but Jesus never said this would be easy.

    4. Jennifer Garrison, OFSSeptember 5, 2015 at 4:37 PM

      If all of your information comes from the CDC, I should be charitable in letting you know that the CDC has recently been implicating in doctoring research data concerning an increased risk of autism in a subset of children who have been vaccinated. They also have on their research docket at least a couple of known felons.
      Consider your sources. I know I do.

    5. Not all my information comes from CDC, although I find CDC to be a useful source of information. Of course, the vaccine labels are a good place to start. The references on those labels are another good place to go and it is safe to assume those studies were FDA regulated (meaning the science was conducted with independent auditors looking over the scientists shoulders when it was conducted). Of course, NIH, FDA, CDC, the vaccine manufacturers, and the scientific literature also provide useful information.

      As far as the CDC whistleblower, I assume you mean Dr. William Thompson. Check out this link ( I would say it is far from certain what occurred and it seems clear there was never any data supporting a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. There is a significant body of literature describing a correlation between parental age and autism as well as some hypothetical mechanisms. But all of this distracts from the immediate question of the action of our local bishops.

  6. What many fail to realize is that vaccinating my child will do nothing to protect the population at large from the diseases discussed. Please see the following article, whose author holds a PhD in immunology with post-doctoral work at Harvard and Stanford:
    Of the list of required vaccines listed by the archdiocese, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, aPertussis, and Hep B are not diseases that we can prevent colonization and transmission to human populations by vaccination; only the person vaccinated may benefit. Rubella, or German Measles, which is the major concern for pregnant mothers due to its potential for causing miscarriage or birth defects, was declared eradicated by the CDC in 2005. The recent infamous Disneyland measles outbreak was finally traced back, not to an unvaccinated child, but on the contrary to a hot batch of vaccines. It was the vaccine that actually caused the outbreak, and you want me to vaccinate to protect others from a communicable disease that can be spread by vaccinating for it? Bad logic. What about chicken pox? Well, why are adult women even at risk for passing chicken pox to their unborn children? Because, either they chose not to vaccinate, or they never had the disease as a child. If they choose not to vax, they can hardly expect me to do so. Before the advent of this vaccine, typically school-aged children transmitted this disease. It was very rarely dangerous, especially if the child was otherwise healthy. Now, due to vaccines, the people getting this disease are either infants or adults whose artificial immunity has worn off, when the disease can be more serious. Once again, the vaccine is implicated in causing more problems than it solves. Lastly, vaccines are not without risk. New information from CDC whistleblowers have shown that there is indeed a link between vaccines and MMR, Varicella (chickenpox), and Hep A vaccines- coincidentally, these are the ones made from aborted baby cells. These vaccines actually contain human DNA from the aborted babies; this DNA can undergo inappropriate insertion of external genetic material. When this occurs in our genes, there is a very high likelihood that severe damage, in the form of autism, leukemia, and lymphomas will result.
    So, please don’t think that forcing me to vaccinate my child will somehow protect yours. It just is not true. If you want to put your faith in vaccines, you are free to vaccinate. My cooperation is not necessary to protect your child if vaccines are truly effective; If vaccines are not truly effective, then once again, my cooperation is not necessary.

    1. Obukhanych cherry-picks the studies she cites and doesn't back up the claims she makes.

  7. God intends us, as Catholics, to be a people of hope. I am most troubled by the cynicism in this statement: "AND, they are urging you to write the vaccine manufacturers, LIKE THAT HAS EVER DONE ANY GOOD! Laughable!" I see no hope or truth in that statement. GSK is currently developing an alternative shingles vaccine that does not use cell lines derived from aborted babies (; This same vaccine could be used as an alternative chickenpox vaccine. I suggest we do as the bishops ask and encourage these vaccine manufacturers to use vaccine manufacturing methods that do not use cell lines derived from aborted babies.

  8. The best response by Catholics to this decree would be to pull their kids out of the schools, taking their money with them. Take a poll among Catholic school graduates of the last 40 years and see how many of them truly live Catholic lives or want to live Catholic lives; the birth control / sterlization rate alone will highlight how completely Catholic schools are failing in their prime directive. Hit them in the wallet, where they really care. Of course, this should have been happening simply based on the failed catechism, but better late than never.

  9. Carl thank you! Sincerely! I wish more Catholics would engage in meaningful discussion in the respectful, charitable way you have. Unfortunately I see all too often, even in this thread, that lack of REAL facts and a solid understanding of science leads to name calling and junk science stated as fact. Espousing less than truthful junk science leads to preventable deaths. That's as UnCatholic as you can get. Once again, kudos to the Diocese for hearing try the Vatican on this one.
    Last point: did you really imply the only way to get hpv is using your body as a playground Kerrie? Wow. Also, cancer is far from "not a big deal". You are so far removed from reality that I pray your spreading of dangerous misinformation doesn't cause anyone harm.

    1. Hey, "Concerned" ... I like the way you talk about things leading to name calling ... and then you basically call me a dumbass who is removed from reality. Just because you coated it with someone doesn't mean it isn't demeaning and crappy. But thanks for giving me page views!

    2. Oops, that was supposed to say "coated it with SOMETHING" ...

    3. So in regard to terms like "junk science" I just need Concerned to let me know where the Scientific name from the original MMR vaccine comes from?

  10. Considering that many vaccine-preventable diseases are still only a plane ride away, I think it's great that the KC diocese is committed to protecting not only its immune-compromised students who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons but also doing its part to protect the immune-compromised population at large--infants, the unborn, and the medically fragile. Even if diseases such as rubella and measles are considered "eliminated" from the US, there have been imported cases of both in recent memory. The Pontifical Academy for Life has written the following:

    "As regards the diseases against which there are no alternative vaccines which are available and ethically acceptable, it is right to abstain from using these vaccines if it can be done without causing children, and indirectly the population as a whole, to undergo significant risks to their health. However, if the latter are exposed to considerable dangers to their health, vaccines with moral problems pertaining to them may also be used on a temporary basis. The moral reason is that the duty to avoid passive material cooperation is not obligatory if there is grave inconvenience. Moreover, we find, in such a case, a. proportional reason, in order to accept the use of these vaccines in the presence of the danger of favouring the spread of the pathological agent, due to the lack of vaccination of children. This is particularly true in the case of vaccination against German measles [rubella]."

  11. In the end this discussion needs to come back to the heart of the matter. Catholics who send their children to Catholic schools should not be forced to go against their consciences. Other Catholics need to stand behind them on this issue because this is a slippery slope in the times that we live in.

    1. Perhaps you do not understand what is happening. The overwhelming number of parents want children vaccinated. The bishops are speaking for most parents. Most parents have formed their consciences to the truth of vaccines and understand that vaccines are good. If your conscience is leading you into a moral conflict, please consider if it is your conscience or fear that is guiding your decision. Fear is not conscience or truth.

    2. This just in! "I've just received an email from our principal that the Bishop is suspending the new policy until he meets with other Bishops."


Talk to me!