Friday, March 4, 2016

Kitchen Remodel to Move to the Country: Pantry

Okay, so there used to be a 1966 oven in this top space of our pantry. Aron got rid of it and we put in a gas oven/stove to the right instead (where some space had been for pots and pans). The oven was so small and the range was electric so we made some changes.

Aron making his dovetail stuffs. Talented dude.

Top stuff is out and shelves are out. Ready to work on drawers to put in.

Wait! Gotta do some staining and stuff first.

Food hangs out in a storage receptacle for about a day or two

VOILA! Aron does it again! Five awesome drawers to match our five awesome kids. Not really, it just worked out that way.
On to the counters and sink!!!! If you want to follow the progress, sign up for an email subscription and you can get all the latest in your inbox.

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