Friday, August 19, 2016

8 Sure-Fire Ways To Create A Grown-Up Room For Your Teenager

It’s hard to believe the baby you had is now a fully grown teenager. The years seem to fly by, and they are now an independent human being. Now they are a teenager, they feel like they are grown up (they will remind you so at least twice a day). They will want to change their bedroom, so it’s more ideal for their age. Here are eight sure-fire ways to create a grown up room for your teen that they will love.

You need to give them some seating

Your teenager will want their bedroom to be somewhere they can go with their friends and hang out in peace. You can make their bedroom the ideal place to do this by adding some great seating in there. You should add a sofa or a couple of chairs for them to chill out on. You could even go for some bean bags for some unique seating that they will love. They may now want their friends to stay over too now they are a bit older. You can ensure they can do this by choosing a sofa bed for their room, so their friend has somewhere convenient to sleep.

You need to create a study area

It’s so important that your teenager can study in peace at home. However, it can be hard to find somewhere quiet to do it with their siblings running around the home. They need to be able to concentrate as the work becomes a lot harder as they age. Therefore, you need to create a study area for them in their bedroom. You should find a good sized desk which will enable them to work with plenty of space for their books and worksheets. You can visit, and other sites, to find suitable desks for their room. You should ensure it has a drawer for storage so that they can keep all their stationery suppliers in there. As this feature on explains, you could go for a white desk which will suit any bedroom scheme and is easy to maintain. Your teen can then go for bright accessories to make the space more personal for them. You will also need to buy them a cool chair which will be comfortable to complete their work on.

You need to get them a larger bed

Although your kid loved their bunk beds when they were younger, it’s not very suitable for a teenager. The beds aren’t very big which is not good for your growing son or daughter. Their weight as a teen may also be too heavy for a bunk bed. You should look for a larger bed which will ensure they have a good night’s sleep. If you have space, you could get your teen a double, so they have plenty of room in the night to spread out. It also means they can have friends stay over without much inconvenience. However, if you can’t afford a double, you can still get some single beds which will look great in their room.

You should get them book shelves

As much as teens love their Kindles and eReaders to read the latest books, nothing does beat a traditional book. A bookshelf which can hold all their favorite novels is a lovely addition to their room. It will make the room look more sophisticated and grown up. They can also keep all the books they need for educational purposes in there. If there is limited room, you could add display shelves over their bed where they can put their books. That way, it won’t take up any floor space in the bedroom.

You need to give them plenty of storage facilities

You will be surprised how much stuff a teenager has. It ends up all over their room and can create a big mess. Therefore, you need to give them plenty of storage, where they can hold all their belongings. You should consider getting them some drawers for underneath their bed where they can put their stuff, so it’s not on the floor. You can also add some shelving above the bed and on the walls. You could also get them a double wardrobe so that they have more room for their clothes. If you have a teen daughter, you will know how many clothes they accumulate over time that they won’t get rid of!

You need to add posters and art

Having posters in your room is part of growing up. They will want to have pictures of their favorite movies and crushes all over the wall. You can create a memory wall for them, where they can have all their favorite pictures and mementos from their favorite films. It can make the room look personal and grown up. They can also add pictures of their friends and family on there to make it look even nicer. Also, let them have some art on the walls to make the room look more sophisticated and grown up.

You should change the paint and add some wall decor

They might want to change their room color now they are a teenager. Baby blues and light pinks are never good for their age. They will want to go for a darker color which they love. As much as they want the room to be bold, you should stick to natural colors which you know they won’t get bored of over time. You should consider adding some wall décor to their room. As this article from homedit explains, it can express a teen’s individuality without taking up loads of space.

You need to change the bedding

Your teen will also want to have a cooler bedding in their bedroom to make it appear more grown up. They will want to avoid characters and movies for now, so they can make it look more age appropriate. You may want to go for neutral colors bedding, and then they can add cushions to make it more fun. You can find more ideas to make the bed look more grown up on this site.

Remember if you have limited space in your home, so siblings have to share, you could put up a curtain or a screen to separate the room. That way, your teen will feel like, despite the fact that they are sharing, they have their own grown up area to chill out and have some privacy!

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