Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Storm Coming? Here's How To Handle It Properly

If you know there’s a storm coming, then you want to make sure that you’re well prepared. Some storms can be more dangerous than others. Some can cause many problems in your home. At the very least, they can end up scaring your pets and children silly! With that in mind, here’s how to handle it when you know a storm is coming:

Make A Risk Assessment

If you know a storm is coming and you have time, make a risk assessment in and around your home. It’s so important that you take a look around and make sure there are no accidents waiting to happen. For instance, a big tree with loose branches could cause a problem in high winds. Do your best to clean up any risks so that you and your home can remain as safe as possible.

Store Away Garden Furniture And Toys

If you have garden furniture and toys, don’t risk leaving them in the garden. Store them safely away in a garage or shed. If you don’t, you could end up with your child’s toys all over the street, or worse, coming through your window!

Strengthen Your Home And Garages

Find ways to strengthen your home, garage, shed, and any other area that could become damaged in the storm. Make sure you use special products to protect them regularly, and that they are securely locked and sturdy. The roof is the most exposed area on the home, and can easily become damaged in a storm. Make sure it’s safe. Make sure there are no gaps where water or wind can get in either, as you could leave yourself susceptible to a flood. The only thing you can do then is find a reliable flood cleanup place to help you minimize the damage.


Stay Away From Windows And Close Your Curtains

In serious storm instances, windows can become broken by things flying into them due to the high winds. It’s a good idea to stay away from your windows and keep your curtains closed to protect you from any glass that might break.

Make Sure You Have A Good Insurance Policy

A good insurance policy that will cover you for this kind of thing is essential. Make sure it’s suitable for your needs, and that you contact them ASAP should you experience problems.

Explain To Your Children And Comfort Them

If you have children, chances are they don’t like storms all that much. You can minimize their fears when you explain to them the science of a storm, so they understand it better and feel they have more control over the situation. Talk to them about their fears and make sure you validate their feelings. Don’t tell them that they are being silly! You can also comfort them and ask them what they want to do to feel better. This might be listening to their music, or making a fort where they feel safe.

Stay calm next time a storm comes and use this advice as soon as possible!

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