Thursday, October 13, 2016

3 Hacks That Can Make You A Smarter Christmas Shopper

The holidays provide the perfect opportunity to show the ones we love just how much we care about them. We cook delicious meals and buy thoughtful gifts, all for our family to enjoy. But while it is the most wonderful time of year, it can also be the most expensive. Especially if you have a big family who you need to buy for. This can, unfortunately, lead to you overspending and put your finances under strain. Thankfully, there are things you can do to save money and still be jolly during the holiday season. Here are three hacks every Christmas shopper should use to their advantage.

Use cashback sites

If you intend to do a significant portion of your shopping online this year, then you might want to consider using cashback sites. These sites work by encouraging you to use their affiliate links to particular retail merchants. These merchants will vary from site to site, but Amazon and Best Buy are often included. When you use these links, the cashback sites gain a commission, of which they will give you a percentage. So effectively you are being paid to shop for your Christmas gifts. There is no limit on what you can buy and may cashback sites are free to sign up to. To learn more, go online and visit cashback sites such as Ebates to read their terms and conditions.

Take advantage of pre-Christmas sales

Many retail stores will be currently having sales to get rid of stock before the holiday season. To be a savvy Christmas shopper, you need to use these sales to your advantage. Browsing through the sale section of a department store can be time-consuming, and you may not always find what you want. But there could be items included at fantastically low prices which could make the ideal gift. So it’s well worth taking the time to find out. Don’t forget to check the sale section of your favorite stores online too. You might be able to find coupons that reduce the price of these sale items even more.

Check Groupon regularly

Groupon is an important resource that all Christmas shoppers should be using. The Groupon website promotes daily deals and discounts in your local area. If you buy recommended products through the Groupon site, you can take advantage of substantial discounts. This can be as much as 60-70% in some cases. The product which are recommended each day can vary from kids toys to women's fashions. This broad range of choice means you can save money and still find something for every member of your family. So if you’re eager to spend less this holiday shopping season, you need to use Groupon. Sign up to the site is quick and easy and won’t cost you a penny.

Now you know how to save this Christmas, your family won’t have to do without a single thing this holiday season. Some of these hacks can be used throughout the rest of the year too for even more saving opportunities. So start shopping smarter and make this Christmas the cheapest and most enjoyable one yet.

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