Friday, February 17, 2017

4 Clever Tips to Make Your Spring Cleaning Fast and Easy

It’s dirty work, but somebody needs to do it and I’m willing to guess you’re the designated individual, but don't spend more time in cleaning than you need to! Follow these spring cleaning ideas to get your cleaning chores done fast.

Alright, so all of us realize that we have to complete spring cleaning on our home if we want to make our home clear and less stressful. If you are in the same position as I am, then a few of the cleaning chores get put off a little in winter with some justification. So we have to open up our house to make it clean.

No problem. It's soon to be spring, and so we have to complete the hectic work now. No more hesitation. We will get our home clean and breathe fresh air, but let’s not spend more time than we need to.

So here are some spring cleaning ideas to get your cleaning done quickly:

·        Make Your List
For me, this makes my work go super quick.

You might ask … why?

Good question!

When you have a complete list of your work, you spend less time looking around your home searching what you have to do and trying to figure out what you haven’t done yet. You will need to be much more focused and diligent when you do the spring cleaning; otherwise, it will take forever.

So it’s time to create your spring house cleaning checklist, but how do you do it?

Well, at first you need to go through each room and find out what you have not cleaned for a while. This may include walls, fans, under couches, etc. Don’t forget to list the corner of the ceiling.
An effective way to clean cobwebs is with a broom. A broom can reach any height of the wall, which means you don’t need to climb. 

So, walk around each room and carefully make your spring cleaning checklist of tasks you want to accomplish. Without a checklist, the whole task may turn into messy and time-consuming work.

·        Right Vacuum Cleaner Accessories
A typical mistake made when cleaning is that we always try to use a couple of multi-purpose vacuums to clean everything in the home. As far as spring cleaning tips go, it is very important to realize that utilizing a multipurpose vacuum for everything means that you are spending too much time scrubbing what you don’t need to. You can read reviews on the best cheap vacuum cleaners online and make a decision to buy one based on your requirements.

So, what type of vacuum cleaner should you use for your spring cleaning purposes?

Ensure that the vacuum you're using is the perfect one for the job. For instance, if you want to clean your bathroom, you should use a bathroom cleaner that is designed for soap scum. If you are not doing it this way, then you are spending too much time cleaning your shower.
Now, if you are looking to clean your floor, it is recommended to use a canister vacuum and try to use a scrub brush instead of a mop. You will spend less time when you use a scrub brush. Your tendency will be to make the floor shiny again, and the output will be nicer.

·         Paint Your Walls
You are not cleaning anything here, but painting your walls. Technically, painting walls is a very easy and affordable way to make your home sparkle again. Spring is the perfect time to do the painting because you can keep your windows open to do the task.

Now, which color should you use to paint your home?
Yes, it’s an interesting question because it will change the whole outlook of your home. You can use an existing color to paint it again, but I think you should be more creative in choosing the color.
If you like to have a light, airy feel in your home, use a light color, but at the same time, if you find a darker color that you love to use, then paint it on one of your walls and for the rest, use a lighter color. The contrast will be dazzling.

·        Learn How to Clean Home Fast

When you have learned how to clean your home faster, then your spring cleaning housework is likely to be completed, and you'll have lots of time to savor the spring weather since you have brought your home back up to a higher level.

When I have mastered the art of speed cleaning, I don’t need to be afraid of drop-in guests or spend the whole day cleaning my house throughout the year … or nagging the kids to help me. I’ll have more time to do the things I enjoy!

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