Monday, March 6, 2017

Are You Planning on Starting a WordPress Blog?

Every day there are many people who flock to the web for information on how to start a WordPress blog. It happens for valid reason; WordPress is really a fantastic platform for blogging. The best bloggers in the whole world use it. Some bloggers who are new to blogging and not very knowledgeable yet also use WordPress. It is an open source platform, indicating that anyone can use it because it is free to use. Here in this article, I am sharing information about WordPress and hopefully it will help you in starting a WordPress blog.

To start a blog on WordPress, you first need a suitable theme. There are so many free themes that you can use on your blog. The theme contains all features, from the layout to the colors that are available in the design. In case you want something that reflects your personality a bit better, you can also have a theme custom-made for you. If you don’t like any at all, then you can buy a premium theme with several in-built features. After selecting the theme for your blog, now you need to search for web hosting.

This procedure is simple, though sometimes it can give you difficulty but you can power through. Actually, the entire procedure can take just a few minutes, in most cases. There are many companies available that offer web hosting services and you should do your research to find the best one. You can check out famous bloggers in any online community to save your time. Check what type of hosting service they are using. If people are taking help from a company, it indicates they are going to be secure. Next I’m going to touch on WordPress installation and setup.

If you are coming to the step of WordPress installation then it can be as simple or as tough as you like to make it. With the interface type of C-Panel that is utilized by web hosts, set up can honestly be quite simple.

It can get a bit challenging, so I suggest that you find someone with complete experience to help you. I am suggesting this method since are new to using WordPress. When you take help from an experienced person you can install your blog professionally. After, you just need to configure some important things inside the administration options of WordPress. You need to edit your contact information, email address and password. For security reasons, you should change the login user name and password of your WordPress blog. The greatest thing that you need to execute with your new blog is to install the important and most popular plugins.

These plugins are attractive features that you are installing on your blog to add much more improved functionality. These special and important plugins will add much more, including automatic blog backup thus you do not lose any of your work, and cut out junk mail and those who leave spam comments. It completely depends on what you like; there is a suitable plugin for almost every condition. Whatever functionality you want to add on your blog you can add through available plugins. 

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