Thursday, August 31, 2017

My Grandma and Lessons for First-Time Buyers

Today's post is an emotional one because it makes me think of my grandparents. My Grandpa Bill died a year and a half ago, and his wife, who my kids called Great Susie, died Sunday. When I think of them, I think of my grandpa buying used cars pretty regularly so they always had something nice to drive. He would spend a lot of time sleuthing out car deals, but this was in the days of ... wait for it ... NO INTERNET! How easy it would be for him to find quality used cars at a deal today!

I have great memories of riding in the back of some lovely four-door classy cars listening to the latest pop music and heading to the local mall, Indian Springs, for some Smak's burgers for lunch then Cone-a-Copia for dessert, followed by some Fun Factory game time and probably even a movie. My grandma was super cool like that. I also remember the days before seat belts were mandatory and a bunch of us would cram into some big car and I'd sit on my Great Aunt Eva's lap eating her Tic Tacs and heading to Metcalf South Mall (now torn down ... so sad).

So fast forward to NOW. I have five kids who are going to be car hunting, which is hard to believe. My oldest is 16, about to get his restricted license (one step away from the "real" thing) and likes to work and make money. This means he is saving for his first car.

Grandma Stump with my oldest son Joel
Enter because otherwise I wouldn't have a clue where to start. They aren't just there to sell you cars; they are also there to inform you about things like car seats, multi-car comparisons and lessons for first-time buyers! I was super interested in this last article, and was happy to see it had people sharing their mistakes and wisdom from when they bought their first car.

Look, I bought my first car at age 16 from my PARENTS ... Mom got a new 1984 maroon Chevy Cavalier and there was a 1978 yellow Chevette STICK SHIFT just waiting in the driveway for me to purchase in installments from my parents with my waitressing/hostessing money from Waid's Restaurant.
My Waid's uniform.

I was lucky. My kid doesn't have any hand-me-downs and will have to go hunting for himself. I love that he has places like to check out with us so he can get the best bang his buck and find someone reliable and safe.
Yeah, baby. I was hot stuff driving around town in this puppy, riding that clutch and grinding those gears.
Tell me about YOUR first car and your plans for your kid's first car!

*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.

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