Friday, February 9, 2018

4 Tips For Picking Out The Perfect Conservatory Blinds

More and more homeowners seem to be adding conservatories to their homes. Whether you’re adding a conservatory to increase your living space, or you already have one, or you use it as an extra space for entertaining and dining, it’s all about the atmosphere you create.

Blinds play an important role in providing a great finish to the look of your conservatory space. They offer privacy and shade, too, so you can keep the ambience and the temperature just right.

Pleated blinds, especially, tend to work very well in a conservatory. They offer a great deal of versatility and are perfect for inclined and shaped windows. If you are trying to keep the heat in during the colder months, blinds with foiled plated fabrics offer extra insulation while blackout can help control the temperature in the room. You can get conservatory blinds at

If you’re considering blinds for your conservatory, here are a few handy tips to help you choose.

Think about practicality.

Blinds in your conservatory aren’t just for looking nice, they have to have a practical use, too.  The first step is to figure out what you want to use your conservatory for. Is it meant as a children’s playroom or somewhere to work in? Perhaps it’s your room for entertaining and having meals? Also, decide how the conservatory faces the rest of your home. Do you want to see what goes on in the rest of the house from the conservatory?

Decide on fabrics.

Your choice of fabric can either bring the room together or break it apart. When it comes to the conservatory, it is better to stick to neutral shades that will work well with any style and are simply practical. If you would prefer something more eye-catching, lighter pastel shades make a room look and feel bigger. Blinds rely on the natural light from outside to really work. If your goal is a cool, calm room, opt for blinds in hues of greys. Darker colors tend to create a more intimate and private space, making the room more enclosed and cozy. It all depends on what you want to use your conservatory for.

Blinds for the rest of your home

Keep in mind that your conservatory isn’t separate to your home, but part of it – an extension. So, the kind of blinds and fabric, and as well as your choice of fabric shouldn’t be too different to the rest of your home’s décor.

Consider maintenance

We’re all pretty busy these days, which means you probably want blinds that require very little maintenance. But, just because you spend most of your time out of the house doesn’t mean you can’t have great looking blinds. There are plenty of options out there for people who don’t spend as much time as they would like in their conservatory. For instance, roller blinds are great as they don’t gather much dust and there aren’t any platforms for dirt to settle on. A light dusting now and then is just fine.

What do you use your conservatory for?

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