Friday, February 2, 2018

Great Birthday Gifts for Hubby When He’s Tough to Shop For

Finding a suitable gift for your hubby on his birthday gets harder every year. You’ve bought him all the usual things and if he gets one more pair of socks, he’s going to scream! It takes a bit of inventiveness to come up with new ideas that will still be interesting for him. You also need to pay attention to things he’s mentioned or any trouble he’s having with a gadget malfunctioning recently.

Rough Around the Edges

Do you wake up and go for that early morning kiss and find your hubby is rougher around the edges than normal? Maybe he’s finding that his foil shaver isn’t giving him a close shave like it used to? How old is his electric shaver?

Alternatively, if he uses a blade shaver but cuts himself often, maybe it’s time to switch him over to an electric one, which removes the risk of skin abrasions? There’s certainly a good bunch of shavers to choose from. Check out to see which model is bound to meet his approval.


Buying a man some aftershave is a gift for both of you really. While he may have the go-to brands that he prefers, he’s probably not that adventurous when it comes to trying new scents. See if you can tempt him into a department store to try a few other scents, then buy him one he likes for his birthday later.

If there’s an aftershave set that goes with it, including shaving cream or a bag from the same brand, it can make a nice touch to have a travel kit he can take when you go on vacation too.

Personalized Chopping Board

When your guy is a dab hand in the kitchen but lacks some quality essentials, a personalized cutting board is just the thing. It is available in Cherry, Maple, or Walnut wood finishes, which changes the appearance considerably. A personal engraving is placed in the bottom-right corner of the chopping block using a laser for ultimate precision. Make sure to order with enough time for the Indiana-based producer to create the finished product and deliver it to you gift wrapped before his birthday.

Loves Photography? Get a 4K Drone

Whether he’s a photography nut or used to be one, he’ll get a kick out of flying a drone. He may have a basic model already, but if you’ve seen him hankering for an upgrade, here’s your chance. The latest DJI models are sleek, travel-friendly, and even prevent flying in banned areas like near airports or national parks.

Guys are very particular about their make and models, so don’t just buy any drone product. Perhaps get a magazine that features an article on the latest one and ask his opinion on what he thinks is the best model reviewed in the magazine? This way you can gauge his level of interest, as this will be a pricier gift than most years if you get something with some great specifications like a 4K camera, one-mile flight coverage, and other sought-after features.

The most important thing with a birthday present is to make sure it’s something that the other person will love. When buying gifts, we often make the mistake of buying things that we’d want for ourselves, which are then wrong for the receiver. Take the time to learn what he’ll enjoy receiving to make it his best gift ever.

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