Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Do’s & Don’ts for Good Day Care

After a long break from work to have your first child, you have successfully made it through the first 2 years, and with preschool on the horizon, your thoughts can turn to your career. Once you have managed to source a good day care centre, your child will take another step towards eventual independence, and as a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that your child is in a positive environment for the few hours a day that they are not in your care. The decision concerning which day care centre to send your child is not one that should be taken lightly, and once you have found the right venue, here are  some do’s and don’ts to ensure a smooth transition.

   Do Your Homework – Bearing in mind, this could be a positive or negative experience for your child, it makes perfect sense to do some research on the care centre prior to making your decision. You should visit the day care centre and while there, take note of the general environment, which should be clean and orderly. Notice the children and whether or not they seem content, and observe how the carers interact with the kids, as this will give you a good idea of the general ambience.

   Don’t Leave Too Late – One needs adequate time to visit potential care facilities, and if there are a few near your home, it makes sense to carry out the necessary research to ensure the right choice. One month prior to your return to work, you should already be looking, and with no pressure on you time wise, you can take your time when choosing. You might, for example, be looking for day care in Brisbane, and with a simple Google search, all day care centres will be accessible, and after some browsing, you can make a list of questions to ask when visiting.

   Do Talk to Other Parents – The best way to evaluate a day care centre is to talk to the parents whose children attend, and this will give you a parent’s perspective. Ask questions about regular contact and whether or not the children seem happy in this environment, and after chatting with a cross section, you will be better informed and able to make the right decision. If you think you need some assistance with helping your child to prepare for preschool, here is a useful guide that will ensure a smooth transition from home to school.

   Don’t Overstay Your Welcome – It might be the first time you have left your child in the care of someone else, but you must resist the temptation of hanging around when you arrive in the morning. It isn’t good for you or the child if you try to blend into the background, as the child will be focusing on you, rather than on the new environment. There might even be a temper tantrum at the very outset, but you need to be firm and reassuring at the same time, and once you are out of sight, things quickly become calm.

When you arrive in the afternoon, take the time to discuss your child with the care provider, as this will help you both to focus on the child’s development, and by working together, you can resolve any behavioral issues.

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