Having your kids will no doubt be one of the best things you’ve ever done; they are individual personalities, full of energy and fun, and they’ll certainly keep you on your toes. However, with every child in the family comes plenty of hard work, and you’ll be running around each ensuring that they are cared for and, most importantly, happy. Putting so much time and dedication into raising your little ones is a sign of a great parent; however, it’s crucial that you’re giving yourself enough attention in the meantime. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or rundown, it’s going to be a challenge to motivate yourself to do anything, let alone your kids. Therefore, it’s worth taking your time for yourself regularly, and making sure that your health and wellbeing are in great shape; your partner, kids, and even your pets will end up thanking you for it in the long run.
You might be thinking that there is no extra time in your day to prioritize yourself a little and get everything done for your kids. However, if you take a step back; you’ll be able to start working a little smarter instead of harder, to achieve what you need to over a busy week. The key is always planning and preparation; you'll need to start enjoying writing lists and ticking your tasks off one by one. You’ll be able to utilize the time you’ve saved for yourself, whether that’s a bath, reading some of your current book, or a coffee with friends; an extra hour here and there can make all the difference. If you can save time in little ways, across a multitude of jobs, tasks, and mom duties; it’ll build up during the days and week ahead, and you’ll really start reaping the rewards. The following are some ideas, inspiration, and advice for busy moms who need a little more time for self-care on their hands, and a more productive week ahead.
Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brunette-woman-in-red-with-girl-in-yellow-on-lap-before-laptop-159848/
Getting Yourself Ready
Mornings are often the most hectic time in a family home; everyone is rushing to get dressed, eat some sort of breakfast, and get ready for their day ahead. It can be difficult to find any moments to spend on yourself if you’re focusing on the cereal and toast, then the clearing-up after breakfast duties. However, if you feel under-confident and disheveled when you have to leave the house for the first time; it can have a knock-on effect on your inner wellbeing. Therefore, it’s crucial that you find quick and simple ways to ensure you look and feel like yourself so that your day can start positively. You can start with your hair; this is often what can take your appearance and confidence from zero to one hundred. Consider heading to your salon and discussing a new style that is simple and easy to maintain; if you’re able to put a brush through it first thing in the morning and look great, you could add another half an hour (or even more) to the rest of your day. A short bob or a pixie cut are straightforward styles that won’t take much work at all. If you enjoy your long locks, you could spend some time practicing quick and easy ponytails, top-knots, or braids so that you feel more put-together than you would if you simply scraped it back with a headband or similar. A little practice time will lead to plenty of free time in the future, and you’ll be happy with your hair in the meantime.
Much like your hair; your skincare and makeup routine can be pretty simple, but make a lot of difference to how you feel about yourself. If you can walk downstairs smiling; the rest of the family will do the same. Therefore it’s worth working out a quick skincare routine for each day. Invest in a little tray for your dressing table or bathroom; this is where you can put your cleanser and creams so that they’re easy to grab first thing. Your cosmetics and makeup can be popped in a bag or on another tray or dish, and you should only put what you’re definitely going to use on them. Something for your face, a little blush, and a coat of mascara can give you a huge confidence boost and will take no time at all. Think about investing in a makeup palette that has the majority of things you’ll use in one place; head to a cosmetics counter and find something that will suit your skin tone and lifestyle.
Always put out your outfit for the following day before you go to bed; this will save you many minutes when you’re head’s full of jobs to do in the morning. Lay or fold items on a chair so that getting dressed when you get up, or after your shower, is a breeze. You can do the same for your little ones, and encourage the older children to ay their own clothing out the night before; you’ll be amazed at just how much time you can clock-up if household members aren’t procrastinating when it comes to getting dressed each day. You’re also more likely to enjoy your outfit as you’ll have been able to put a little thought into each garment, rather than grabbing whatever sits first in your closet because you’re in a rush. Having everything out and ready that you and your kids need in the morning before heading down to breakfast will save time and lead to a far calmer start to the day.
Getting The Kitchen Ready
You can take a similar approach to your kitchen and dining space; much like your bathroom and bedroom, you can have the majority of items laid out and ready to use. Everyone’s first priority will be breakfast in the morning; therefore, have clean plates, bowls, cups, and cutlery ready at the table. Cereal boxes can be left on the table too, and ensure that butter, milk, and juice are easy-to-grab in the refrigerator. You can count out the slices of bread that will be toasted on the morning; cover them and leave them near the toaster or grill; have the coffee and cups at the ready, and you’ll be able to get that much-needed caffeine hot quickly. Encourage your kids to clean-up after themselves; you don’t have to take on every cleaning and tidying duty, and allowing them to do some of the work will give you a moment to enjoy some breakfast and a hot coffee with your other half. If you have a little extra time over the weekends; you could check out some quick and simple breakfast recipes here so that you can eat at more leisurely pace, and enjoy some quality time with those you love the most (PJs optional).
The more you’re able to focus on nourishing your body and having a moment to think about what lies ahead during your day, the better you’ll be able to approach it. You’ll also feel better on the inside for having eaten and drank at a decent pace; rushing food is never a good idea, and it can cause you to feel unwell for the hours ahead. Your partner and kids are there to help you, so get them to be team players regarding tidying-up and extra help when you need it. Feeling fresh and put-together in the morning is a great way to start your day on a positive note. You’ll be saving time, and giving yourself the confidence boost you deserve so that your days and week can be productive and satisfying. You’re always going to experience times when nothing seems to run smoothly; the key is not to beat yourself up over it, and just put it down to family life.
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