Thursday, March 22, 2018

5 House Remodeling Tips to Make Your Life Easy

Remodeling your house is a cumbersome task that is not only heavy on the pocket but extremely strenuous too. As the saying goes, precaution is always better than cure. While it is easy to get carried away by low cost plans, it is crucial that you never compromise on quality of work. By taking a few mindful steps, you can ease your job and that of the contractor too. Here's a few things you can do if you're planning on renovating.

1. Pack Your Valuables Away

What you want to do in the first place is pack all your stuff away from the rooms that need to be renovated and shifting them in one place. Nothing better than having a designated area for this purpose. If, however, you are remodeling the entire house, it is impossible to store everything within the house. For this purpose, you can try storing your stuff in a self-storage unit. Rental storage facilities, like Houston storage units, are easy to find in your local area and also provide access to your stuff for an agreed upon number of times.

2. Get a Detailed Contract

People often make the mistake of signing vague contracts with the contractor which causes unnecessary issues at a later stage. The solution to this is getting a detailed contract in the beginning. Getting an attorney only makes your case stronger from the start to avoid any confusions in the future. The contract should involve a beginning and ending date of the whole project as well as the specific details the contractor would be working on. If the contractor is purchasing the material, then the agreed upon cost of everything should also be mentioned. Visiting the contractor's current working site can give you a better idea of how capable he/she is professionally.

3. Have a Proper Lighting Plan

Now that you're spending a great deal of time and money in remodeling your house, its time you pay attention to details, lighting being one of them. One often overlooks how big a difference lighting can make without costing you anything. The lighting plan needs to be made by an interior designer who has a clear understanding of how the art of lighting works. Although the three types of lighting work together to create the perfect ambience, different places call for different lighting requirements. While accent lights add a dramatic effect to the room, task lighting is important in areas like study, dressing and kitchen.

4. Don't Forget the Permits

What many house owners consider an unnecessary procedure can save them a considerable period of time and even money (considering you might have to re construct anything that doesn't abide by the law). Getting permits not only ensures that your building structure meets safety and law requirements, but also helps in avoiding deconstruction in the future. A house built within the limits defined by the rules and regulations of the land also sells better compared to those that don't.

5. Update Your Electrical System

By the time you're done with major renovation, one is short on funds and ignores fixtures that seem unnoticeable. One such fixture is the electric system. It is important that you make a list of changes you need with the electric system. These changes can be small, such as increasing the number of sockets in the room, especially near the bedside, changing outlets to three pronged ones and USB. These may seem like overhead expenses at the time but can give your house a trendy look, not to forget the convenience they provide.

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